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  1. Здрасте. Есть код, <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xml:lang=en lang=en> <head> <script src="http://api.simile-widgets.org/timeplot/1.1/timeplot-api.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <title> WebTerminal</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> //main array for temperature var mas_time = new Array(); var mas_temper = new Array();mas_time[0] = "11.10.2009 00:09:21";mas_temper[0] = 0.0;mas_time[1] = "11.10.2009 00:09:21";mas_temper[1] = 0.0;mas_time[2] = "11.10.2009 00:24:21";mas_temper[2] = 26.3;mas_time[3] = "11.10.2009 00:39:21";mas_temper[3] = 11.9;mas_time[4] = "11.10.2009 00:54:21";mas_temper[4] = 17.7;mas_time[5] = "11.10.2009 01:09:21";mas_temper[5] = 16.3;mas_time[6] = "11.10.2009 01:24:21";mas_temper[6] = 3.7;mas_time[7] = "11.10.2009 01:39:21";mas_temper[7] = -5.7;mas_time[8] = "11.10.2009 01:54:21";mas_temper[8] = -9.6;mas_time[9] = "11.10.2009 02:09:21";mas_temper[9] = -13.2;mas_time[10] = "11.10.2009 02:24:21";mas_temper[10] = -16.6;mas_time[11] = "11.10.2009 02:39:21";mas_temper[11] = -18.4;mas_time[12] = "11.10.2009 02:54:21";mas_temper[12] = -19.0;mas_time[13] = "11.10.2009 03:09:21";mas_temper[13] = -19.0;mas_time[14] = "11.10.2009 03:24:21";mas_temper[14] = -18.6;mas_time[15] = "11.10.2009 03:39:21";mas_temper[15] = -19.5;mas_time[16] = "11.10.2009 03:54:21";mas_temper[16] = -20.8;mas_time[17] = "11.10.2009 04:09:21";mas_temper[17] = -21.7;mas_time[18] = "11.10.2009 04:24:21";mas_temper[18] = -21.7;mas_time[19] = "11.10.2009 04:39:21";mas_temper[19] = -21.4;mas_time[20] = "11.10.2009 04:54:21";mas_temper[20] = -20.9;mas_time[21] = "11.10.2009 05:09:21";mas_temper[21] = -19.8;mas_time[22] = "11.10.2009 ;var mint = -28.1;var maxt = 26.3; //————————-- function draw() { //count region on the datum, where draw "x0" line if(countX < 13) countX = 13; var scaleX = document.body.clientWidth - 60; var weightX = scaleX/countX; var zeroX = 30; //****************************************** var scaleY = document.body.clientHeight - 60; if(mint > -0.5) { var countY = 1.2*maxt; if(countY < 15) { maxt = 15/1.1;//for nice form countY = 15; } var weightY = scaleY/countY; var zeroY = scaleY-10; } else { if(maxt > 0.5) { var countY = 1.2*(maxt - mint); if(countY < 15) { maxt = (maxt/countY)*15*1.1;//для красоты mint = (mint/countY)*15*1.1; countY = 15; } var weightY = scaleY/countY; //+mint*weightY because mint is negative value var zeroY = scaleY+mint*weightY-10; } else { var countY = -1.2*mint; if(countY < 15) { maxt = 0; mint = -15/1.1; countY = 15; } var weightY = scaleY/countY; //+mint*weightY because mint is negative value var zeroY = scaleY+mint*weightY-10; } } var x = 0; var y = 0; var pix = ""; /* pix = "<v:line style=\"position:absolute;left:100px;top:100px\""+ "strokecolor=\"red\" strokeweight=\"2px\" from=\"0 0\" to=\"100 0\"/>"; document.write(pix); */ //————————--draw datum lines——————————————- for(var i=0;i<scaleY+15;i++) { x = zeroX; y = 25+scaleY-i; pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;font-size:15pt;\">|</div>"; document.write(pix); } for(var i=0;i<scaleX+20;i++) { x = 10+i; y = Math.floor(zeroY); pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;font-size:15pt;\">-</div>"; document.write(pix); } //————————--write datum values——————————————- if(mint > -1) { for(var i=0;i<Math.floor(1.1*maxt);i+=Math.floor(countY/7)) { y = Math.floor(zeroY-weightY*i); pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:5px;font-size:9px;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\">"+i+"</div>"; document.write(pix); pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:30px;font-size:15pt;\">-</div>"; document.write(pix); } } else { for(var i=Math.floor(1.1*mint);i<Math.floor(1.1*maxt);i+=Math.floor(countY/7)) { y = Math.floor(zeroY-weightY*i); pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:5px;font-size:9px;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\">"+i+"</div>"; document.write(pix); pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:30px;font-size:15pt;\">-</div>"; document.write(pix); } } for(var i=Math.floor(countX/6.2);i<countX;i+=Math.floor(countX/6.2)) { x = Math.floor(zeroX+weightX*i-105); y = Math.floor(zeroY+25); if(mas_time[i]) { pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;font-size:9px;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\">"+mas_time[i]+"</div>"; document.write(pix); } x = Math.floor(zeroX+weightX*i); y = Math.floor(zeroY); pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;font-size:15pt;\">|</div>"; document.write(pix); } //————————--write time prefix———- x = Math.floor(scaleX/2)-15; y = Math.floor(zeroY+40); pix = "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;font-size:9px; font-weight: bold; color:#000000;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;cursor:hand;\">"+"</div>"; document.write(pix); //————————--draw diagram——————————————— for(var i=0;i<countX;i++) { if(mas_time[i]) { x = Math.floor(zeroX+weightX*i); y = Math.floor(zeroY-weightY*mas_temper[i]); pix = "<div title=\""+mas_time[i]+" / "+mas_temper[i]+"'C\" style=\"position:absolute;top:"+y+"px;left:"+x+"px;font-size:15pt;color:#FF0000;cursor:hand;\">•</div>"; document.write(pix); } } //—————————————————-- document.bgColor ="#DDDDDD"; document.title ="Temperature history for"; } </script> <style type="text/css"> v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} </style> <style type="text/css"> DIV {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} </style> <body onload="draw()"> </body> </html> </body></html> Ни как не могу подсунуть <v:polyline что бы он у меня по координатам рисовал диаграмму Есть у кого идеи?
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