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  1. Всем привет, имеется скрипт всплывающего окна... #Код js_ function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); } } } /* This is our current popup function - parts of the site still use it, so I need to keep it */ function acpopup(strURL,strType,strHeight,strWidth) { var strOptions=""; if (strType=="console") strOptions="resizable,height="+strHeight+",width="+strWidth; window.open(strURL, '', strOptions); } /* new accessible, unobtrusive popup code */ function windowLinks() { // create a new function called windowLink(); if(!document.getElementsByTagName) { // Only run the function on browsers that return; // understand 'getElementsByTagName' - new browsers } var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); // grab all links and pop them in an array called 'anchors' for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { // start a loop to work our way through var anchor = anchors[i]; // grab the next link & copy it to 'anchor' for working var relIndex = anchor.rel; // get the value of it's 'REL' attribute if (relIndex){ // does it have a value for REL?... var relSplit = relIndex.split("|"); /* if it does, look for '|' to use to split the value into an array - relSplit[0], relSplit[1], relSplit[2], etc . If it doesn't find any '|', the whole value gets transferred to relSplit[0] */ /* XHTML compliant target attribute */ if (relSplit[0] == "external") { // If the relSplit[0] is 'external'... anchor.target = "_blank"; // then set it's 'target' attribute to '_blank' anchor.className = "external"; // then attach a CSS class to it anchor.title = "Load in new window: "+ anchor.href; // And give it a new title attribute to warn users a new window is launching /* Elegantly degrading window code */ } else if (relSplit[0] == "popup") { // else if relSplit[0] is 'popup'... anchor.className = "popup"; // attach a CSS class to it anchor.title = "Loads in a Popup Window"; // Give it a helpful title attribute anchor.popupWidth = relSplit[1]; // set the popup's width anchor.popupHeight = relSplit[2]; // set the popup's height anchor.onclick = function() {acpopup(this.href,'console',this.popupWidth,this.popupHeight);return false;}; // plug all this information into our origainl window launch function (acpopup) } } } } addLoadEvent(function() { windowLinks(); // run our new function as soon as the page loads. //otherFunctions(); //goHere(); }); #Код css_ .external { font-weight:bold; background :transparent url(ext.gif) no-repeat right center; padding-right:12px; } .popup { font-weight:bold; background :transparent url(pop.gif) no-repeat right center; padding-right:12px; } На страницу инжектится след. образом: <a href="/link_url.html" rel="popup|615|810">линка</a> Работает везде на ура, подскажите как можно заставить работать в IE7
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