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Everything posted by BirchTree

  1. Спасибо. Изменила на меньшее значение, при просмотре все остается по-прежнему. Не работает! TRMM - это спутник, который измеряет дождь в тропиках для изучения тропич штормов и циклонов.
  2. Мда, похоже я не дождусь нормального ответа
  3. Здравствуйте. Есть ли какая-то возможность уменьшить ширину выпадающего меню для TRMM и все что под ним (Earth Today ? Satellite center )? Куда вписать эту самую ширину? Пожалуйста, помогите новичку. http://regina1976.tripod.com/ java Script var mmOpenContainer = null; var mmOpenMenus = null; var mmHideMenuTimer = null; function MM_menuStartTimeout(hideTimeout) { mmHideMenuTimer = setTimeout("MM_menuHideMenus()", hideTimeout); } function MM_menuHideMenus() { MM_menuResetTimeout(); if(mmOpenContainer) { var c = document.getElementById(mmOpenContainer); c.style.visibility = "inherit"; mmOpenContainer = null; } if( mmOpenMenus ) { for(var i = 0; i < mmOpenMenus.length; i++) { var m = document.getElementById(mmOpenMenus[i]); m.style.visibility = "hidden"; } mmOpenMenus = null; } } function MM_menuHideSubmenus(menuName) { if( mmOpenMenus ) { var h = false; var c = 0; for(var i = 0; i < mmOpenMenus.length; i++) { if( h ) { var m = document.getElementById(mmOpenMenus[i]); m.style.visibility = "hidden"; } else if( mmOpenMenus[i] == menuName ) { h = true; } else { c++; } } mmOpenMenus.length = c+1; } } function MM_menuOverMenuItem(menuName, subMenuSuffix) { MM_menuResetTimeout(); MM_menuHideSubmenus(menuName); if( subMenuSuffix ) { var subMenuName = "" + menuName + "_" + subMenuSuffix; MM_menuShowSubMenu(subMenuName); } } function MM_menuShowSubMenu(subMenuName) { MM_menuResetTimeout(); var e = document.getElementById(subMenuName); e.style.visibility = "inherit"; if( !mmOpenMenus ) { mmOpenMenus = new Array; } mmOpenMenus[mmOpenMenus.length] = "" + subMenuName; } function MM_menuResetTimeout() { if (mmHideMenuTimer) clearTimeout(mmHideMenuTimer); mmHideMenuTimer = null; } function MM_menuShowMenu(containName, menuName, xOffset, yOffset, triggerName) { MM_menuHideMenus(); MM_menuResetTimeout(); MM_menuShowMenuContainer(containName, xOffset, yOffset, triggerName); MM_menuShowSubMenu(menuName); } function MM_menuShowMenuContainer(containName, x, y, triggerName) { var c = document.getElementById(containName); var s = c.style; s.visibility = "inherit"; mmOpenContainer = "" + containName; } css td img { /* Another Mozilla/Netscape bug with making sure our images display correctly */ display: block; } #FWTableContainer478638594 { /* The master div to make sure that our popup menus get aligned correctly. Be careful when playing with this one. */ position:relative; margin:0px; width:910px; height:160px; text-align:left; } #MMMenuContainer0215124312_0 { /* This ID is related to the master menu div for menu MMMenuContainer0215124312_0 and contains the important positioning information for the menu as a whole */ position:absolute; left:132px; top:160px; visibility:hidden; z-index:300; } #MMMenu0215124312_0 { /* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0215124312_0's div. */ position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; visibility:hidden; background-color:transparent; width:137px; height:90px; } .MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0215124312_0 { /* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0215124312_0 */ border-top:0px solid #ffffff; border-left:0px solid #ffffff; border-bottom:0px solid #c46983; border-right:0px solid #c46983; width:137px; height:30px; voice-family: ""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:125px; height:18px; } .MMMIVStyleMMMenu0215124312_0 { /* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0215124312_0 */ border-top:0px; border-left:0px solid #ffffff; border-bottom:0px solid #c46983; border-right:0px solid #c46983; width:137px; height:30px; voice-family: ""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:125px; height:18px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_Item_0 { /* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:0px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_Item_1 { /* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:30px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_Item_2 { /* Unique ID for item 2 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:60px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1 { /* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1's div. */ position:absolute; left:137px; top:0px; visibility:hidden; background-color:transparent; width:137px; height:360px; } .MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0215124312_0_1 { /* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 */ border-top:0px solid #ffffff; border-left:0px solid #ffffff; border-bottom:0px solid #c46983; border-right:0px solid #c46983; width:137px; height:30px; voice-family: ""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:125px; height:18px; } .MMMIVStyleMMMenu0215124312_0_1 { /* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 */ border-top:0px; border-left:0px solid #ffffff; border-bottom:0px solid #c46983; border-right:0px solid #c46983; width:137px; height:30px; voice-family: ""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:125px; height:18px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_0 { /* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:0px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_1 { /* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:30px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_2 { /* Unique ID for item 2 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:60px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_3 { /* Unique ID for item 3 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:90px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_4 { /* Unique ID for item 4 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:120px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_5 { /* Unique ID for item 5 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:150px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_6 { /* Unique ID for item 6 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:180px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_7 { /* Unique ID for item 7 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:210px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_8 { /* Unique ID for item 8 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:240px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_9 { /* Unique ID for item 9 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:270px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_10 { /* Unique ID for item 10 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:300px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_1_Item_11 { /* Unique ID for item 11 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_1 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:330px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_2 { /* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0215124312_0_2's div. */ position:absolute; left:137px; top:30px; visibility:hidden; background-color:transparent; width:137px; height:90px; } .MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0215124312_0_2 { /* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0215124312_0_2 */ border-top:0px solid #ffffff; border-left:0px solid #ffffff; border-bottom:0px solid #c46983; border-right:0px solid #c46983; width:137px; height:30px; voice-family: ""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:125px; height:18px; } .MMMIVStyleMMMenu0215124312_0_2 { /* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0215124312_0_2 */ border-top:0px; border-left:0px solid #ffffff; border-bottom:0px solid #c46983; border-right:0px solid #c46983; width:137px; height:30px; voice-family: ""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:125px; height:18px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_2_Item_0 { /* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_2 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:0px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_2_Item_1 { /* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_2 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:30px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_2_Item_2 { /* Unique ID for item 2 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_2 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:60px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_3 { /* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3's div. */ position:absolute; left:137px; top:60px; visibility:hidden; background-color:transparent; width:137px; height:210px; } .MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0215124312_0_3 { /* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 */ border-top:0px solid #ffffff; border-left:0px solid #ffffff; border-bottom:0px solid #c46983; border-right:0px solid #c46983; width:137px; height:30px; voice-family: ""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:125px; height:18px; } .MMMIVStyleMMMenu0215124312_0_3 { /* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 */ border-top:0px; border-left:0px solid #ffffff; border-bottom:0px solid #c46983; border-right:0px solid #c46983; width:137px; height:30px; voice-family: ""}""; voice-family:inherit; width:125px; height:18px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_3_Item_0 { /* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:0px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_3_Item_1 { /* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:30px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_3_Item_2 { /* Unique ID for item 2 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:60px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_3_Item_3 { /* Unique ID for item 3 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:90px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_3_Item_4 { /* Unique ID for item 4 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:120px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_3_Item_5 { /* Unique ID for item 5 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:150px; } #MMMenu0215124312_0_3_Item_6 { /* Unique ID for item 6 of menu MMMenu0215124312_0_3 so we can set its position */ left:0px; top:180px; } .MMMenuItemSpanMMMenu0215124312_0 { /* The span class definition so we can make sure that arrows and menu text in menu MMMenu0215124312_0 look correct */ float:left; width:119px; } .MMArrowStyleMMMenu0215124312_0 { /* This class allows us to position the submenu arrows for menu MMMenu0215124312_0 */ position:absolute; left:120px; top:11px; } #MMMenuContainer0215124312_0 img { /* needed for Mozilla/Camino/Netscape */ border:0px; } #MMMenuContainer0215124312_0 a { /* Controls the general apperance for menu MMMenuContainer0215124312_0's items, including color and font */ text-decoration:none; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px; color:#000066; text-align:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:6px; background-color:#7ea2b9; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; display:block; position:absolute; } #MMMenuContainer0215124312_0 a:hover { /* Controls the mouse over effects for menu MMMenuContainer0215124312_0 */ color:#a23262; background-color:#7ea2b9; }
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