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Everything posted by carlssson

  1. Поменял тему все в порядке! Спс за подсказки
  2. Пробовал я ставить 3.0 все равно бока
  3. Здравствуйте у меня данная проблема с шаблоном! Движок wordpress версия 3.4.2 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/h41146/data/www/mybiz777.com/wp-content/themes/yoo_flux.v5.5.9/yoo_flux_wp/warp/systems/wordpress.3.0/helpers/system.php on line 334 Вот целый файл <?php /** * @package Warp Theme Framework * @author YOOtheme http://www.yootheme.com * @copyright Copyright © YOOtheme GmbH * @license YOOtheme Proprietary Use License (http://www.yootheme.com/license) */ /* Class: WarpHelperSystem Wordpress system helper class, provides Wordpress 3.0 Blog integration (http://wordpress.org) */ class WarpHelperSystem extends WarpHelper { /* system path */ var $path; /* system url */ var $url; /* cache path */ var $cache_path; /* cache time */ var $cache_time; /* theme prefix */ var $prefix; /* theme xml */ var $xml; /* query */ var $query; /* widgets */ var $widgets; /* all widget options */ var $widget_options; /* all menu items options */ var $menu_item_options; /* all config overrides */ var $config_overrides; /* Function: Constructor Class Constructor. */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // parse site url $urlinfo = parse_url(get_option('siteurl')); $url = $urlinfo['path']; // init vars $this->path = rtrim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', ABSPATH), '/'); $this->url = $url != '/' ? $url : null; $this->cache_path = rtrim(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', get_template_directory()), '/').'/cache'; $this->cache_time = 86400; $this->prefix = get_template().'_'; // set callback $this->callbacks['construct'][] = 'init'; } /* Function: init Initialize system configuration Returns: Void */ function init() { // init options $this->widget_options = get_option('warp_widget_options', array()); $this->menu_item_options = get_option($this->prefix.'menu-items', array()); $this->config_overrides = get_option($this->prefix.'overrides', array()); // init helpers $path =& $this->getHelper('path'); $config =& $this->getHelper('config'); $modules =& $this->getHelper('modules'); $xml =& $this->getHelper('xml'); // set cache directory if (!file_exists($this->cache_path)) { mkdir($this->cache_path, 0755); } // set paths $path->register($this->path.'/wp-admin', 'admin'); $path->register($this->path, 'site'); $path->register($this->cache_path, 'cache'); $path->register($path->path('warp:systems/wordpress.3.0/menus'), 'menu'); $path->register($path->path('warp:systems/wordpress.3.0/widgets'), 'widgets'); $path->register($path->path('template:').'/widgets', 'widgets'); // set translations load_theme_textdomain('warp', $path->path('template:languages')); // get theme xml $this->xml =& $xml->load($path->path('template:template.xml'), 'xml', true); // get parameter $options = array(); foreach ($this->xml->document->getElements('params') as $param) { foreach ($param->children() as $setting) { $name = $setting->attributes('name'); $options[$param->attributes('group')][] = $setting; if ($name == 'presets') { $config->set('presets', array()); } else { $config->set($name, get_option($this->prefix.$name, $setting->attributes('default'))); } } } $config->set('warp.settings.theme', $options); // get module positions $options = array(); $positions = $this->xml->document->getElement('positions'); foreach ($positions->children() as $pos) { $name = trim($pos->data()); $options[$name] = array('configurable' => true); if ($pos->attributes('configurable') === '0') { $options[$name]['configurable'] = false; $options[$name]['info'] = $pos->attributes('info') ? $pos->attributes('info') : 'This position is not configurable.'; } $modules->register($name); } $config->set('warp.positions', $options); // load widgets foreach ($path->dirs('widgets:') as $name) { if ($file = $path->path("widgets:{$name}/{$name}.php")) { require_once($file); } } // add actions add_action('wp_ajax_warp_search', array($this, 'ajaxSearch')); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_warp_search', array($this, 'ajaxSearch')); // register main menu register_nav_menus(array('main_menu' => 'Main Navigation Menu')); // is admin or site if (is_admin()) { // load helper $this->warp->loadHelper(array('control')); // add actions add_action('admin_init', array($this, '_adminInit')); add_action('admin_menu', array($this, '_adminMenu')); } else { // add actions add_action('wp', array($this, 'overrideConfig')); // allow & and special html chars in menu item add_filter('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', create_function('$menu_item','$menu_item->title = htmlspecialchars($menu_item->title, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");return $menu_item;')); // filter widgets that should not be displayed add_filter('widget_display_callback', create_function('$instance,$widget,$args',' $warp = Warp::getInstance(); $w = $warp->system->getWidget($widget->id); return $w->display ? $instance : false; '),10, 3); // remove auto-linebreaks ? if (!$config->get('wpautop', 1)) { remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); } // dynamic presets ? if ($config->get('allow_dynamic_preset')) { if (!session_id()) session_start(); if (isset($_GET[$this->warp->preset_var])) { $_SESSION['_current_preset'] = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9-]/i', '', $_GET[$this->warp->preset_var]); } $config->set('_current_preset', isset($_SESSION['_current_preset']) ? $_SESSION['_current_preset'] : null); } $config->set('actual_date', date('d. M Y')); } } /* Function: getQuery Get current query information Returns: Object */ function getQuery() { global $wp_query; // create, if not set if (empty($this->query)) { // init vars $obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $query = array(); // find current page type foreach (array('home', 'front_page', 'archive', 'search', 'single', 'page', 'category') as $type) { if (call_user_func('is_'.$type)) { $query[] = $type; if ($type == 'page') { $query[] = 'page-'.$obj->ID; } if ($type == 'category') { $query[] = 'cat-'.$obj->cat_ID; } } } $this->query = $query; } return $this->query; } /* Function: getPostCount Retrieve current post count Returns: Int */ function getPostCount() { global $wp_query; return $wp_query->post_count; } /* Function: getWidget Retrieve a widget by id Parameters: $id - Widget ID Returns: Object */ function getWidget($id) { global $wp_registered_widgets; $widget = null; $options = $this->widget_options; if (isset($wp_registered_widgets[$id]) && ($data = $wp_registered_widgets[$id])) { $widget = new stdClass(); foreach (array('id', 'name', 'classname', 'description') as $var) { $widget->$var = isset($data[$var]) ? $data[$var] : null; } if (isset($data['callback']) && is_array($data['callback']) && ($object = current($data['callback']))) { if (is_a($object, 'WP_Widget')) { $widget->type = $object->id_base; if (isset($data['params'][0]['number'])) { $number = $data['params'][0]['number']; $params = get_option($object->option_name); if (false === $params && isset($object->alt_option_name)) { $params = get_option($object->alt_option_name); } if (isset($params[$number])) { $widget->params = $params[$number]; } } } } else if ($id == 'nav_menu-0') { $widget->type = 'nav_menu'; } if (empty($widget->name)) { $widget->name = ucfirst($widget->type); } if (empty($widget->params)) { $widget->params = array(); } $widget->options = isset($options[$id]) ? $options[$id] : array(); $widget->display = $this->displayWidget($widget); } return $widget; } /* Function: getWidgets Retrieve widgets Parameters: $position - Position Returns: Array */ function getWidgets($position = null) { if (empty($this->widgets)) { foreach (wp_get_sidebars_widgets() as $pos => $ids) { $this->widgets[$pos] = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->widgets[$pos][$id] = $this->getWidget($id); } } } if (!is_null($position)) { return isset($this->widgets[$position]) ? $this->widgets[$position] : array(); } return $this->widgets; } /* Function: displayWidget Checks if a widget should be displayed Returns: Boolean */ function displayWidget($widget) { if (!isset($widget->options['display']) || in_array('*', $widget->options['display'])) return true; foreach ($this->getQuery() as $q) { if (in_array($q, $widget->options['display'])) { return true; } } return false; } /* Function: overrideConfig Overrides default config based on page Returns: Void */ function overrideConfig() { if (!count($this->config_overrides)) return; foreach ($this->getQuery() as $q) { if (isset($this->config_overrides[$q])) { $this->warp->config->parseString($this->config_overrides[$q]); } } } /* Function: isBlog Returns: Boolean */ function isBlog() { return true; } /* Function: isPreview Checks for default widgets in theme preview Returns: Boolean */ function isPreview($position) { // preview postions $positions = array('logo', 'right'); return is_preview() && in_array($position, $positions); } /* Function: ajaxSearch Ajax search callback Returns: String */ function ajaxSearch(){ global $wp_query; $result = array('results' => array()); $query = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? $_REQUEST['s']:""; if (strlen($query)>=3) { $wp_query->query_vars['s'] = $query; $wp_query->is_search = true; foreach ($wp_query->get_posts() as $post) { $content = !empty($post->post_excerpt) ? strip_tags(do_shortcode($post->post_excerpt)) : strip_tags(do_shortcode($post->post_content)); if (strlen($content) > 255) { $content = substr($content, 0, 254).'...'; } $result['results'][] = array( 'title' => $post->post_title, 'text' => $content, 'url' => get_permalink($post->ID) ); } } die(json_encode($result)); } /* Function: _adminInit Admin init actions Returns: Void */ function _adminInit() { if ((defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) && isset($_POST['warp-ajax-save'])) { // update option values foreach ($_POST as $option => $value) { if (preg_match('/^(warp_|'.preg_quote($this->prefix, '/').')/', $option)) { update_option($option, $value); } } die(); } // add css/js $path =& $this->getHelper('path'); $info = parse_url(site_url()); $url = sprintf('/%s/i', preg_quote($info['path'], '/')); if (isset($_GET['page']) && in_array($_GET['page'], array('warp', 'warp_widget'))) { wp_enqueue_script('warp-js-admin', preg_replace($url, '', $path->url('warp:systems/wordpress.3.0/js/admin.js'), 1)); } wp_enqueue_style('warp-css-admin', preg_replace($url, '', $path->url('warp:systems/wordpress.3.0/css/admin.css'), 1)); wp_enqueue_script('warp-js-wp-admin', preg_replace($url, '', $path->url('warp:systems/wordpress.3.0/js/wp-admin.js'), 1)); // add actions add_action('wp_ajax_save_nav_settings', array($this,'_save_nav_settings')); add_action('wp_ajax_get_nav_settings', array($this,'_get_nav_settings')); } /* Function: _adminMenu Admin menu actions Returns: Void */ function _adminMenu() { // init vars $path =& $this->getHelper('path'); $name = $this->xml->document->getElement('name'); $icon = $path->url('warp:systems/wordpress.3.0/images/yoo_icon_16.png'); if (function_exists('add_object_page')) { add_object_page('', $name->data(), 8, 'warp', false, $icon); } else { add_menu_page('', $name->data(), 8, 'warp', false, $icon); } add_submenu_page('warp', 'Theme Options', 'Theme Options', 8, 'warp', array($this, '_adminThemeOptions')); add_submenu_page('warp', 'Widget Options', 'Widget Options', 8, 'warp_widget', array($this, '_adminWidgetOptions')); } /* Function: _adminThemeOptions Render admin theme options layout Returns: Void */ function _adminThemeOptions() { // init vars $path =& $this->getHelper('path'); $xml =& $this->getHelper('xml'); $http =& $this->getHelper('http'); $check =& $this->getHelper('checksum'); // get warp xml $warp_xml = $xml->load($path->path('warp:warp.xml'), 'xml', true); // update check $update = null; if ($url = $warp_xml->document->getElement('updateUrl')) { // get template info $template = get_template(); $version = $this->xml->document->getElement('version'); $url = sprintf('%s?application=%s&version=%s&format=raw', $url->data(), $template, $version->data()); // only check once a day if (get_option($this->prefix.'update_check') != date('Y-m-d').' '.$version->data()) { if ($request = $http->get($url)) { update_option($this->prefix.'update_check', date('Y-m-d').' '.$version->data()); update_option($this->prefix.'update_data', $request['body']); } } // decode update response $update = json_decode(get_option($this->prefix.'update_data')); } // verify theme files if (($checksums = $path->path('template:checksums')) && filesize($checksums)) { $check->verify($path->path('template:'), $log); } else { $log = false; } echo $this->warp->template->render('admin/theme_options', array('xml' => $this->xml, 'warp_xml' => $warp_xml, 'update' => $update, 'checklog' => $log)); } /* Function: _adminWidgetOptions Render admin widget options layout Returns: Void */ function _adminWidgetOptions() { // get position settings $position_settings = $this->warp->config->get('warp.positions'); // get module settings $module_settings = array(); $settings = $this->xml->document->getElement('modulesettings'); foreach ($settings->children() as $setting) { $module_settings[$setting->attributes('name')] = $setting; } echo $this->warp->template->render('admin/widget_options', compact('position_settings', 'module_settings')); } /* Function: getMenuItemOptions Retrieve menu by id Parameters: $id - Menu Item ID Returns: Array */ function getMenuItemOptions($id) { $menu_settings = array( 'columns' => 1, 'columnwidth' => -1, 'image' => '' ); if (isset($this->menu_item_options[$id])) { $menu_settings = array_merge($menu_settings, $this->menu_item_options[$id]); } return $menu_settings; } /* Function: _save_nav_settings Saves menu item settings Returns: Void */ function _save_nav_settings() { if (isset($_POST['menu-item'])) { $menu_item_settings = $this->menu_item_options; foreach ($_POST['menu-item'] as $itemId=>$settings){ $menu_item_settings[$itemId] = $settings; } update_option($this->prefix.'menu-items', $menu_item_settings); $this->menu_item_options = $menu_item_settings; } die(); } /* Function: _get_nav_settings Returns menu item settings as json Returns: Boolean */ function _get_nav_settings() { die(json_encode($this->menu_item_options)); } } /* Function: mb_strpos mb_strpos function for servers not using the multibyte string extension */ if (!function_exists('mb_strpos')) { function mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { return strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } }
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