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Everything posted by Amor

  1. Народ, очень нужна помощь. Поставил фильтр товаров "JoomShopping_Ultra_Filter", все работает, но нужно вместо флажков, выпадающий список, но не знаю как переделать код, в PHP не шарю. Помогите, очень нужно. Сайт пока на локалке. Вот код файла <script type="text/javascript"> (function($) { $.fn.clearJShoppingUltraForm = function() { return this.each(function() { $('input,select,textarea', this).clearJShoppingUltraFields(); }); }; $.fn.clearJShoppingUltraFields = function() { return this.each(function() { var t = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (t == 'text' || t == 'password' || tag == 'textarea') this.value = ''; else if (t == 'checkbox') this.checked = false; else if (t == 'radio') if (this.value == 0) { this.checked= true; } else if (tag == 'select') this.selectedIndex = -1; }); }; })(jQuery); </script> <div class="jshop_ultra_filters"> <form action="<?php print $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];?>" method="post" id="jshop_ultra_filters" name="jshop_ultra_filters"> <?php if (is_array($filter_categorys) && count($filter_categorys)) {?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print JText::_('UF_CATEGORY').":"?></div> <div> <input type="hidden" name="categorys[]" value="0" /> <?php foreach($filter_categorys as $v){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="categorys[]" value="<?php print $v->id;?>" <?php if (in_array($v->id, $categorys)) print 'checked="checked"';?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <a href="<?php print SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=category&task=view&category_id=' . $v->id);?>" title="<?php print $v->name;?>"><?php print $v->name;?></a><br /> <?php }?> </div> <?php }?> <?php if (is_array($filter_manufactures) && count($filter_manufactures)) {?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print JText::_('UF_MANUFACTURER').":"?></div> <div> <input type="hidden" name="manufacturers[]" value="0" /> <?php foreach($filter_manufactures as $v){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="manufacturers[]" value="<?php print $v->id;?>" <?php if (in_array($v->id, $manufacturers)) print 'checked="checked"';?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <a href="<?php print SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=manufacturer&task=view&manufacturer_id=' . $v->id);?>" title="<?php print $v->name;?>"><?php print $v->name;?></a><br /> <?php }?> </div> <?php }?> <?php if (is_array($filter_labels) && count($filter_labels)) {?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print JText::_('UF_LABELS').":"?></div> <div> <input type="hidden" name="labels[]" value="0" /> <?php foreach($filter_labels as $v){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="labels[]" value="<?php print $v->id;?>" <?php if (in_array($v->id, $labels)) print "checked";?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print $v->name;?><br /> <?php }?> </div> <?php }?> <?php if (is_array($filter_vendors) && count($filter_vendors)) {?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print JText::_('UF_VENDOR').":"?></div> <div> <input type="hidden" name="vendors[]" value="0" /> <?php foreach($filter_vendors as $v){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="vendors[]" value="<?php print $v->id;?>" <?php if (in_array($v->id, $vendors)) print 'checked="checked"';?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print $v->shop_name;?><br /> <?php }?> </div> <?php }?> <?php if (is_array($filter_delivery_time) && count($filter_delivery_time)) {?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print JText::_('UF_DELIVERY_TIME').":"?></div> <div> <input type="hidden" name="delivery_times[]" value="0" /> <?php foreach($filter_delivery_time as $k=>$v){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="delivery_times[]" value="<?php print $k;?>" <?php if (in_array($k, $delivery_times)) print 'checked="checked"';?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print $v;?><br /> <?php }?> </div> <?php }?> <?php if ($show_photos) {?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print JText::_('UF_FILTER_PHOTO').":"?></div> <div> <input type="radio" name="photo" value="0" <?php if (!$photo) echo 'checked="checked"'?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_ALL') ?><br /> <input type="radio" name="photo" value="1" <?php if ($photo==1) echo 'checked="checked"'?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_WITHPHOTO') ?><br /> <input type="radio" name="photo" value="2" <?php if ($photo==2) echo 'checked="checked"'?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_WITHOUTPHOTO') ?><br /> </div> <?php }?> <?php if ($show_availabilitys) {?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print JText::_('UF_FILTER_AVAILABILITY').":"?></div> <div> <input type="radio" name="availability" value="0" <?php if (!$availability) echo 'checked="checked"'?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_ALL') ?><br /> <input type="radio" name="availability" value="1" <?php if ($availability==1) echo 'checked="checked"'?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_INSTOCK') ?><br /> <input type="radio" name="availability" value="2" <?php if ($availability==2) echo 'checked="checked"'?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_UNAVAILABLE') ?><br /> </div> <?php }?> <?php if ($show_sales) {?> <div class="uf_label"> <input type="hidden" name="sales[]" value="0" /> <input type="checkbox" name="sales[]" value="1" <?php if ($sales) print 'checked="checked"';?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_SALES_ONLY') ?><br /> </div> <?php }?> <?php if ($show_additional_price) {?> <div class="uf_label"> <input type="hidden" name="additional_price[]" value="0" /> <input type="checkbox" name="additional_price[]" value="1" <?php if ($additional_price) print 'checked="checked"';?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_ADDITIONAL_PRICE') ?><br /> </div> <?php }?> <?php if ($show_reviews) {?> <div class="uf_label"> <input type="hidden" name="reviews[]" value="0" /> <input type="checkbox" name="reviews[]" value="1" <?php if ($reviews) print 'checked="checked"';?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print JText::_('UF_WITH_REVIEWS') ?><br /> </div> <?php }?> <?php if (is_array($characteristic_displayfields) && count($characteristic_displayfields)){?> <?php foreach($characteristic_displayfields as $ch_id){?> <?php if (is_array($characteristic_fieldvalues[$ch_id])){?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print $characteristic_fields[$ch_id]->name;?></div> <div> <input type="hidden" name="extra_fields[<?php print $ch_id?>][]" value="0" /> <?php foreach($characteristic_fieldvalues[$ch_id] as $val_id=>$val_name){?> <input type="checkbox" name="extra_fields[<?php print $ch_id?>][]" value="<?php print $val_id;?>" <?php if (is_array($extra_fields_active[$ch_id]) && in_array($val_id, $extra_fields_active[$ch_id])) print 'checked="checked"';?> <?php if (!$update_form_submit_only) print 'onclick="document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit();"';?> /> <?php print $val_name;?><br/> <?php }?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php }?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($show_prices){?> <div class="uf_label"><?php print JText::_('UF_PRICE')?> <div id="price_slider"></div> <span class="box_price_from"> <?php print JText::_('UF_FROM')?> <input type = "text" class = "inputbox" name = "fprice_from" id="fprice_from" size="3" value="<?php if ($fprice_from>0) print $fprice_from?>" /> </span> <span class="box_price_to"> <?php print JText::_('UF_TO')?> <input type = "text" class = "inputbox" name = "fprice_to" id="fprice_to" size="4" value="<?php if ($fprice_to>0) print $fprice_to?>" /> <?php print $jshopConfig->currency_code?> </span> </div> <?php }?> <div> <span> <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php print JText::_('UF_YES')?>" /> </span> <span> <input type="button" class="button" value="<?php print JText::_('UF_RESET_FILTER')?> " onclick="jQuery('#jshop_ultra_filters').clearJShoppingUltraForm(); document.jshop_ultra_filters.submit(); return false;" /> </span> </div> </form> </div>
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