Ссылка на модуль импорта Kлард для Drupal https://github.com/auk/drupal-kladr
* Set up batch for first and last name loading.
* This is where Drupal's Batch API comes into play.
* It's as simple as defining $batch, and then calling batch_set($batch)
function kladr_create() {
// Update the user profiles to add values to newly added profile fields
$batch = array(
'title' => t('Creating kladr vocabulary'), // Title to display while running.
'operations' => array(), // Operations to complete, in order. Defined below.
'finished' => '_kladr_vocabulary_finished', // Last function to call.
'init_message' => t('Initializing...'),
'progress_message' => t('Fixed @current out of @total.'),
'error_message' => t('Creating encountered an error.'),
// Add as many operations as you need. They'll run in the order specified.
// Parameters can be defined in the (currently) empty arrays and will need
// to also be added following the $context parameters for the operation
// functions below.
$batch['operations'][] = array('_kladr_vocabulary_select', array());
$batch['operations'][] = array('_kladr_vocabulary_create_structure', array());
$batch['operations'][] = array('_kladr_vocabulary_insert_data', array());
// Tip the first domino.
function _kladr_vocabulary_select(&$context) {
$vid = variable_get('kladr_taxonomy', FALSE);
if($vid) {
$vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
if ($vocabulary->name) {
$context['message'] = 'Selected taxonomy vocabulary '. $vocabulary->name;
$context['finished'] = 1;
$context['finished'] = 0;
* Create a taxonomy term and return the tid.
function custom_create_taxonomy_term($name, $vid, $parent_id = 0) {
$term = new stdClass();
$term->name = $name;
$term->vid = $vid;
$term->parent = array($parent_id);
return $term->tid;
function get_taxonomy_tid($name, $vid, $parent_tid = 0) {
$query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't');
$query->join('taxonomy_term_hierarchy', 'h', 'h.tid = t.tid');
$query->addField('t', 'tid');
$query->condition('h.parent', $parent_tid);
$query->condition('t.name', trim($name));
$query->condition('t.vid', $vid);
$tids = $query->execute()->fetchCol();
return isset($tids) && is_array($tids) && count($tids) > 0 ? $tids[0] : NULL;
function getParentTaxonomyId($cc, $rrr) {
$sql = "SELECT tid FROM {kladr_taxonomy} WHERE cc = :cc and rrr = :rrr";
$params = array(':cc' => $cc, ':rrr' => $rrr);
return db_query($sql, $params)->fetchField();
function _kladr_vocabulary_create_structure(&$context) {
$vid = variable_get('kladr_taxonomy', FALSE);
$start_from_row = variable_get('kladr_taxonomy_last', 1);
if(!$vid OR $start_from_row > 1) {
$context['finished'] = 1;
// open in read-only mode
$db = dbase_open(drupal_get_path('module', 'kladr') .'/BASE/KLADR.DBF', 0);
if ($db) {
$record_numbers = dbase_numrecords($db);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $record_numbers; $i++) {
$row= dbase_get_record($db, $i);
$name=trim(mb_convert_encoding($row[0], "UTF-8", "cp866")); // Наименование
$socr=trim(mb_convert_encoding($row[1], "UTF-8", "cp866")); // Сокращенное наименование типа объекта
$code=$row[2]; // Код
$index=$row[3]; // Почтовый индекс
$gninmb=$row[4]; // Код ИФНС
$uno=$row[5]; // Код территориального участка ИФНС
$ocatd=$row[6]; // Код ОКАТО
$status=$row[7]; // Статус объекта
$CC = (int)substr($code, 0, 2);
$RRR = (int)substr($code, 2, 3);
$GGG = (int)substr($code, 5, 3);
$PPP = (int)substr($code, 8, 3);
$AA = (int)substr($code, 11, 2);
if ($RRR==0 AND $GGG==0 AND $PPP==0 AND $AA==0){ // region
$name = $name . ' ' . $socr;
$tid = get_taxonomy_tid($name, $vid, 0);
if ($tid) {
drupal_set_message('* region ' . $name . ' already exists (tid: ' . $tid . ')');
} else {
$tid = custom_create_taxonomy_term($name, $vid, 0);
drupal_set_message('+ added region: ' . $name);
if (!getParentTaxonomyId($CC, 0))
db_query('INSERT INTO {kladr_taxonomy} (cc, rrr, tid, name) VALUES(:cc, 0, :tid, :name)', array(':cc' => $CC, ':tid' => $tid, ':name' => $name));
} else if ($GGG==0 AND $PPP==0 AND $AA==0) { // subregion
$name = $name . ' ' . $socr;
$parent_tid = getParentTaxonomyId($CC, 0);
if ($parent_tid) {
$tid = get_taxonomy_tid($name, $vid, $parent_tid);
// drupal_set_message($name . ' -> parent tid: ' . $parent_tid . ', tid: ' . $tid);
if ($tid) {
drupal_set_message(' * subregion: ' . $name . ' already exists in taxonomy (tid: ' . $tid . ')');
} else {
$tid = custom_create_taxonomy_term($name, $vid, $parent_tid);
drupal_set_message(' + added subregion: ' . $name . ', tid: ' . $tid);
if (!getParentTaxonomyId($CC, $RRR))
db_query('INSERT INTO {kladr_taxonomy} (cc, rrr, tid, name) VALUES(:cc, :rrr, :tid, :name)', array(':cc' => $CC, ':rrr' => $RRR, ':tid' => $tid, ':name' => $name));
} else {
drupal_set_message(' - parent not found for subregion: ' . $name . ", id: " . $CC . ", sub_id: " . $RRR . ', parent_tid: ' . $parent_tid, 'warning');
$context['finished'] = 1;
function startsWith($haystack, $needle)
return !strncmp($haystack, $needle, strlen($needle));
function _kladr_vocabulary_insert_data(&$context) {
$vid = variable_get('kladr_taxonomy', FALSE);
if(!$vid) {
$context['finished'] = 1;
// open in read-only mode
$db = dbase_open(drupal_get_path('module', 'kladr') .'/BASE/KLADR.DBF', 0);
if ($db) {
$insert_rows_for_one_time = 50000;
$start_from_row = variable_get('kladr_taxonomy_last', 1);
$record_numbers = dbase_numrecords($db);
drupal_set_message('DB opened, ' . $record_numbers . ' records');
for ($i = $start_from_row;
$i <= $record_numbers AND $i <= ($start_from_row + $insert_rows_for_one_time);
$i++) {
variable_set('kladr_taxonomy_last', $i);
$row= dbase_get_record($db, $i);
$name=trim(mb_convert_encoding($row[0], "UTF-8", "cp866")); // Наименование
$socr=trim(mb_convert_encoding($row[1], "UTF-8", "cp866")); // Сокращенное наименование типа объекта
$code=$row[2]; // Код
$index=$row[3]; // Почтовый индекс
$gninmb=$row[4]; // Код ИФНС
$uno=$row[5]; // Код территориального участка ИФНС
$ocatd=$row[6]; // Код ОКАТО
$status=$row[7]; // Статус объекта
$CC = (int)substr($code, 0, 2);
$RRR = (int)substr($code, 2, 3);
$GGG = (int)substr($code, 5, 3);
$PPP = (int)substr($code, 8, 3);
$AA = (int)substr($code, 11, 2);
// drupal_set_message("::1 - term: name=$name, $code=$CC|$RRR");
if ($RRR==0 AND $GGG==0 AND $PPP==0 AND $AA==0){
// debug stub
// we process this case in _kladr_vocabulary_create_structure
} else if ($GGG==0 AND $PPP==0 AND $AA==0){
// debug stub
// we process this case in _kladr_vocabulary_create_structure
} else if (($status>0 OR $socr='г') AND $AA==0 AND !startsWith($name, 'сдт')){
$parent_tid = getParentTaxonomyId($CC, $RRR);
if ($parent_tid) {
$tid = get_taxonomy_tid($name, $vid, $parent_tid);
if (!$tid)
$tid = custom_create_taxonomy_term($name, $vid, $parent_tid);
// drupal_set_message(' + added settlement: ' . $name);
} else {
drupal_set_message(' - parent not fount for settlement: ' . $name . ", cc: " . $CC . ", rrr: " . $RRR);
drupal_set_message('DB last inserted record '. $i);
$context['finished'] = 1;
function _kladr_vocabulary_finished($success, $results, $operations) {
if ($success) {
$message = t('KLADR taxonomy vocabulary updated.');
else {
$message = t('Finished with error.');
* Save recursive array of terms for a vocabulary.
* Example:
* <code><?php
* $terms = array(
* 'Species' => array(
* 'Dog',
* 'Cat',
* 'Bird' ),
* 'Sex' => array(
* 'Male',
* 'Female' ) )
* _save_terms_recursive( $vid, $terms );
* </code>
* @param int $vid Vocabulary id
* @param array $terms Recursive array of terms
* @param int $ptid Parent term id (generated by taxonomy_save_term)
function _save_terms_recursive( $vid, &$terms, $ptid=0 ) {
foreach ( $terms as $k => $v ) {
// simple check for numeric indices (term array without children)
$name = is_string( $k ) ? $k : $v;
$term = array( 'vid' => $vid, 'name' => $name, 'parent' => $ptid );
drupal_set_message("_save_terms_recursive - term: " . print_r($term, true));
// taxonomy_save_term( $term );
if ( is_array( $v ) && count( $v ) )
_save_terms_recursive( $vid, $terms[ $k ], $term[ 'tid' ] );