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Posts posted by sdelkin

  1. вот весь код. Не понимаю где тут ошибка





    // ELITE BOARD V  1.2 Extra




    if(ADDNOREG == 'yes' || REG)


    echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='".DIR."md5.js'></script>";

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    function CheckSend() {

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          return false;


     if(document.newmsg.autor.value == '') {


          return false;


     if(document.newmsg.user_text.value == '') {


          return false;


     if(document.newmsg.code2.value == '') {


          return false;



     if(hex_md5(document.newmsg.code2.value.toUpperCase()) != document.newmsg.code3.value) {


          return false;


        return true;




    echo "<center><font size=2><b>".$locale[1]."</b></font></center>";

    $co = rand(1000, 9999);


    $text.="<center><font size=2><b>".$locale[1]."</b></font></center>";

    if($antifloodcode == "yes")


     $code= $locale[332]."<br>

    <table style='border:1px solid #000000;'>

     <tr ><td><img src='".DIR."image.php?c=".$co2."'></td><td valign='center'><input type='text' name='code2' maxlength='4' class='add_form' size='4'></td></tr>

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     $code= "<input type='hidden' name='code3' value='".md5(54321)."' readonly='readonly'><input type='hidden' name='code2' value='54321' readonly='readonly'>";


    $code.="<input type='hidden' name='code' value='".generate_key()."' maxlength='50' size='40' readonly='readonly'>";

    $regions = "<select class='add_form' size='1' name='regions'>".states2($region)."</select>";

    if(ECHO_CAT == 'old')


    $kat="<select class='add_form' size='1' name='kat'>".echo_kat($_GET['id'], $_GET['sid'], $_GET['ssid'])."</select>";


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    $kat = echo_kat_script($_GET['id'], $_GET['sid'], $_GET['ssid']);


    $monts = "<select class='add_form' size='1' name='monts'>";

    for ($i=1; $i<$del_monts+1; $i++)


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    $area = "<table width=100% border=0>";

    foreach(file("files/area.dat") as $k => $v)


    list($aid, $name, $width, $height, $lenght, $alock, $atype, $avalues) = explode(BF, trim($v));

    $ta = "";

    if($atype == 'textarea'){$ta = "<textarea name=\"area[".$aid."]\" rows='".$height."' cols='".$width."' wrap='on'></textarea>";}

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    foreach(explode("{br}", trim($avalues)) as $av)


    $ta .= "<option value='".$av."'>".$av."</option>";


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    if($alock == "ON"){$zv = "*";}else{$zv = "";}

    $area .= "<tr><td align='left' width='50%'>".$zv.$name."<br><small>(max. ".$lenght." ".$locale[378].")</small></td><td align='left' width='50%'>".$ta."</td></tr>";


    $area .= "</table>";


    addform($code, $regions, $kat, $monts, $displaylimit, $area);



    if(ADDNOREG == 'no' && !REG)


    echo "<div align='center'><a href='".get_q("","","",false,false,false,true)."'><b>".$locale[431]."</b></a>, ".$locale[432]."</div>";



  2. $monts.="</select>";

    $displaylimit = "<script>displaylimit('document.newmsg.user_text',".$maxchar.")</script>";

    $area = "<table width=100% border=0>";

    foreach(file("files/area.dat") as $k => $v)


    list($aid, $name, $width, $height, $lenght, $alock, $atype, $avalues) = explode(BF, trim($v));

    $ta = "";

    if($atype == 'textarea'){$ta = "<textarea name=\"area[".$aid."]\" rows='".$height."' cols='".$width."' wrap='on'></textarea>";}

    if($atype == 'text'){$ta = "<input name=\"area[".$aid."]\" type='text' value='' size='".$width."'>";}

    if($atype == 'select')


    $ta = "<select size='1' name=\"area[".$aid."]\">";

    foreach(explode("{br}", trim($avalues)) as $av)


    $ta .= "<option value='".$av."'>".$av."</option>";


    $ta .= "</select>";


    if($alock == "ON"){$zv = "*";}else{$zv = "";}

    $area .= "<tr><td align='left' width='50%'>".$zv.$name."<br><small>(max. ".$lenght." ".$locale[378].")</small></td><td align='left' width='50%'>".$ta."</td></tr>";


    $area .= "</table>";


    addform($code, $regions, $kat, $monts, $displaylimit, $area);






    помогите найти ошибку пожалуйста

  3. Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/u492424888/public_html/functions.php on line 222 Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/u492424888/public_html/functions.php on line 222 Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/u492424888/public_html/functions.php on line 222

    вот такая ошибка на сайте. Как её убрать? Помогите пожалуйста...
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