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  1. ПОМОГИТЕ!!! 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position: absolute; left: 40%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">Пасека</h1> <h1 style="font-size: 15px; left: 36.5%; top: 6%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">Minecraft 21165</h1> <h1 style="font-size: 30px; left: 38.5%; top: 90%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">1699р</h1> <style> /*ВИД ПЕРВОЙ КАРТИНКИ АНИМАЦИИ*/ div.rollover{ background: url(https://static.mir-kubikov.ru/upload/resize_cache/iblock/628/746_580_140cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a/6285ba815fdec3b7b8ada6101fe73fb2.jpg); 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top: 6.5%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">Minecraft 21167</h1> <h1 style="font-size: 30px; left: 40.5%; top: 90%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">1699р</h1> </div> <div class="rollover3"> <!--АНИМАЦИЯ НАБОРА--> <style> /*ВИД ПЕРВОЙ КАРТИНКИ*/ div.rollover3{ border-radius: 15px; width: 500px; height: 450px; position: absolute; left: 21.5%; top: 59.5%; border: 5px inset gainsboro; background: url(https://static.mir-kubikov.ru/upload/resize_cache/iblock/d7b/746_580_140cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a/d7b9a9a605768628069a8d906667638e.jpg); 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left: 37.5%; top: 6%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">Minecraft 21166</h1> <h1 style="font-size: 30px; left: 40.5%; top: 90%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">1699р</h1> </div> <div class="rollover4"> <!--АНИМАЦИЯ НАБОРА--> <style> /*ВИД ПЕРВОЙ КАРТИНКИ*/ div.rollover4 {border-radius: 15px; width: 500px; height: 450px; position: absolute; left: 50.87%; top: 59.5%; border: 5px inset gainsboro; background: url(https://static.mir-kubikov.ru/upload/resize_cache/iblock/18b/746_580_140cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a/18be18a6d027399922794cc84f25c5a4.jpg); 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left: 37.5%; top: 6%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">Minecraft 21164</h1> <h1 style="font-size: 30px; left: 40.5%; top: 90%; color: white; text-shadow: #000000 1px 0px, #000000 1px 1px, #000000 0px 1px, #000000 -1px 1px, #000000 -1px 0px, #000000 -1px -1px, #000000 0px -1px, #000000 1px -1px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px, #000000 0 0 3px;">899р</h1> </div> <div class="rollover5"> <!--АНИМАЦИЯ НАБОРА--> <style> /*ВИД ПЕРВОЙ КАРТИНКИ*/ div.rollover5 { border-radius: 15px; width: 500px; height: 450px; position: absolute; left: 21.5%; top: 113%; border: 5px inset gainsboro; background: url(https://static.mir-kubikov.ru/upload/resize_cache/iblock/43e/746_580_140cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a/43ed38ac024f7d681d9b347d32a450f8.jpg); 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