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Everything posted by xaero

  1. Привет всем ———————-- id | name | prev_id ———————-- 1 | absc | 2 ———————-- 2 | dbcs | 3 ———————-- 3 | cols | 4 ———————-- 4 | noth | 0 prev_id - id предыдущий строки Можно ли select делать такой запрос который подключает как колонка предыдущий строки ?
  2. У меня имеется 2 таблиц 1. search_result 2. products хотелось бы подсчитать сколько строк находится в таблице products который у таблиц указано поля search_result.query_text SELECT s.id, s.query_text ( select count(*) from products where name concat('%', s.query_text, '%') limit 0, 1 ) as total FROM search_result AS s GROUP BY s.query_text вообще то такое возможно?
  3. Как выровнять текстовые блоки Как можно делать блоки ровным. От зависимости текста. Одного блока больше текст и остальные высота боки чтобы были ровным. http://my.jetscreenshot.com/1668/20100216-vozf-44kb.jpg
  4. xaero

    State Controller v4

    Лучше изучайте ExtJS
  5. $text = ' hallow world "nothing i fill" current "asdasd"'; нужно удалить пробелы вне кавычки ....
  6. xaero

    Календарь на php

    Посмотрите ... <html> <head> <title> Calendar </title> </head> <style> /* CALENDAR */ table.cal { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; } table.cal td { text-align: center; } td.center { font-weight: bold; color: #216792; } td.prev { width: 25px; text-align: center; } td.prev a { font-wegith: bold; } td.center { text-align: center; width: 100%; } td.next { width: 25px; text-align: center; } td.next a { font-wegith: bold; } table.cal td { padding: 3px; } /* current date */ table.cal td.cdt { background: #f0f4fe; font-weight: bold; } /* current date is sunday */ table.cal td.scd { background: #E83903; color: #fff; } /* default days */ table.cal td.def { color: #5b6376; } /* sunday days */ table.cal td.sbg { color: #dc143c; background: #f7f7f7; } /* week defaults */ table.cal tr.week td { width: 20px; text-align: center; } /* week default sunday day */ table.cal td.wsd { background: #000064; color: #ffffff;} /* week default days */ table.cal td.wdd { background: #e0eaff; color: 4974d5; } /* week selected day */ table.cal td.wsl { background: #e0eaff; color: #000064;} table.cal td.wss { background: #ffa500; color: #ffffff;} </style> <body> <?php class Calendar { var $year; var $month; var $date; var $leap; var $lang; var $path; var $dates; function Calendar($l) { $this->year = date('Y'); $this->month = date('n'); $this->date = date('j'); $this->leap = date('L'); $this->lang = $l; $this->month_names = array( 'uz'=>array(1=>'Yanvar', 'Fevral', 'Mart', 'Aprel', 'May', 'Iyun', 'Iyul', 'August', 'Sentyabr', 'Oktyabr', 'Noyabr', 'Dekabr'), 'ru'=>array(1=>'Январь', 'Февраль', 'Март', 'Апрель', 'Май', 'Июнь', 'Июль', 'Август', 'Сентябрь', 'Октябрь', 'Ноябрь', 'Декабрь'), 'en'=>array(1=>'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'Septempber', 'Oktober', 'November', 'December') ); $this->week_names = array( 'uz'=>array('Du', 'Se', 'Ch', 'Pa', 'Ju', 'Sh', 'Ya'), 'ru'=>array('Пн', 'Вт', 'Ср', 'Чт', 'Пт', 'Сб', 'Вс'), 'en'=>array('Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Tr', 'Fr', 'St') ); $this->dates = array(); } function Days(){ if($this->month==3 or $this->month==6 or $this->month==9 or $this->month==11){ return 30; }else if($this->month==2){ if($this->leap){ return 29; }else{ return 28; } }else{ return 31; } } function First(){ $first_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year)); if($this->lang=='uz' or $this->lang=='ru'){ $first_day = ($first_day==0) ? 6 : $first_day - 1; } return $first_day; } function Week(){ return date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, date('d'), $this->year)); } function Body() { $count_days = 0; $space_days = 0; $tbl = "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 class='cal'>"; $tbl.= "<tr>"; $tbl.= "<td colspan=7 align=center>"; $tbl.= "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 style='border-collapse:collapse'>"; $tbl.= "<tr>"; if(($this->month-1)==0){ $tbl.= "<td class='prev'><a href='".$this->path."y=".($this->year-1)."&m=12&d=".$this->date."'>«</a></td>"; }else{ $tbl.= "<td class='prev'><a href='".$this->path."y={$this->year}&m=".($this->month-1)."&d=".$this->date."&a=p'>«</a></td>"; } $tbl.= "<td class='center'>".$this->month_names[$this->lang][$this->month]." ".$this->year."</td>"; if(($this->month+1)==13){ $tbl.= "<td class='next'><a href='".$this->path."y=".($this->year+1)."&m=1&d=".$this->date."&a=n'>»</a></td>"; }else{ $tbl.= "<td class='next'><a href='".$this->path."y={$this->year}&m=".($this->month+1)."&d=".$this->date."'>»</a></td>"; } $tbl.= "</tr>"; $tbl.= "</table>"; $tbl.= "</td>"; $tbl.= "</tr>"; $tbl.= "<tr class='week'>"; for($col=0; $col<7; $col++){ $w = $this->Week(); $val = $this->week_names[$this->lang][$col]; if($this->lang=='uz' or $this->lang=='ru'){ if($w==0 && $col==6){ $tbl.= "<td class='wss'>{$val}</td>"; }else{ if($col==($w-1)){ $tbl.= "<td class='wsl'>{$val}</td>"; }else{ $cls = ($col==6) ? 'wsd' : 'wdd'; $tbl.= "<td class='$cls'>{$val}</td>"; } } }else{ if($col==$w){ $cls = ($col==0) ? 'wss' : 'wsl'; $tbl.= "<td class='{$cls}'>{$val}</td>"; }else{ $cls = ($col==0) ? 'wsd' : 'wdd'; $tbl.= "<td class='{$cls}'>{$val}</td>"; } } } $tbl.= "</tr>"; for($row=0; $row<6; $row++){ $tbl.= "<tr>"; for($col=0; $col<7; $col++){ if($space_days<$this->First()){ $tbl.= "<td> </td>"; }else{ $count_days++; if($count_days<=$this->Days()){ $en = ($this->lang=='en') ? 0 : 6; if($count_days==date('d')){ $cls = ($en==$col) ? 'scd' : 'cdt'; $tbl.= "<td class='{$cls}'>"; if($this->getDates($count_days)){ $m = $this->month; $d = $count_days; $tbl.= "<a href='".$this->path."y={$this->year}&m={$m}&d={$d}'><b>{$count_days}</b></a>"; }else{ $tbl.= $count_days; } $tbl.= "</td>"; }else{ $cls = ($en==$col) ? 'sbg' : 'def'; $tbl.= "<td class='{$cls}'>"; if($this->getDates($count_days)){ $m = $this->month; $d = $count_days; $tbl.= "<a href='".$this->path."y={$this->year}&m={$m}&d={$d}'><b>{$count_days}</b></a>"; }else{ $tbl.= $count_days; } $tbl.= "</td>"; } }else{ $tbl.= "<td> </td>"; } } $space_days++; } $tbl.= "</tr>"; } $tbl.= "</table>"; return $tbl; } function setAction() { if(!empty($_GET['y']) && !empty($_GET['m']) && !empty($_GET['d'])) { $y = (int) $_GET['y']; $m = (int) $_GET['m']; $d = (int) $_GET['d']; if(is_numeric($y) && is_numeric($m) && is_numeric($d)){ if($y>=2000 && $y<=2050){ $this->year = $y; } if($m<=12){ $this->month = $m; } if($d<=$this->Days()){ $this->date = $d; } } } } function getDates($d) { $result = 0; if(is_array($this->dates) && count($this->dates)>0){ foreach($this->dates as $k=>$v){ if(!preg_match("/^([0-9]{4})\-([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{2})$/i", $v)){ die("Incorrect date: {$v}"); }else{ $m = ($this->month<10) ? '0'.$this->month : $this->month; $c = ($d<10) ? '0'.$d : $d; $y = $this->year; $l = trim($y.'-'.$m.'-'.$c); if(strcmp($v, $l)==0){ $result = 1; } } } } return $result; } } $cal = new Calendar('ru'); // ru | en $cal->setAction(); $cal->path = 'calendar.php?'; $cal->dates = array('2009-08-21'); print $cal->Body(); ?> </body> </html>
  7. Кто нибудь установил MCFileManager или MCImagerManager я попробуя у меня вообще не получаестя ... ? Fatal error: Trying to get out of defined root path. Root: Z:/home/, Path: Z:/home/ in Z:\home\\www\editor\jscripts\tiny_mce\plugins\imagemanager\classes\FileSystems\FileFactory.php on line 91 даёт такая ошибка
  8. SELECT cm_message from `chat_messages` order by `cm_id` desc limit 10
  9. Нашёл всё как это делать. Индексировать надо ...
  10. xaero


    что то тут лишний?
  11. Привет всем!!! у меня есть триггер который удаляет из двух таблиц: DELIMITER # CREATE TRIGGER `otz_delete` BEFORE DELETE ON orders_status_otzvon FOR EACH ROW BEGIN /* delete from crm_telephony */ DELETE FROM crm_telephony WHERE id_zv=OLD.id_zv AND type='otzvon'; /* delete from crm_log */ DELETE FROM crm_log WHERE log_id=OLD.id_zv AND process=28; END;# Результат можно посмотреть здесь (это у меня локалке так работает 26 сек) : http://www.jetScreenshot.com/demo/20090608-78y-29kb.jpg
  12. xaero


    У меня есть такой sql код: select sites.*, cats.cat_id as cat_id, scats.name as cat_name, aff.affiliate_firstname as affiliate_firstname, aff.affiliate_email_address as aff_mail, afs.view as view, afs.in_cart as in_cart, afs.orders as orders, afs.customers as customers, afs.date as date, afs.uniq_hosts_liv as uniq_hosts_liv, afs.uniq_hosts_ramb as uniq_hosts_ramb, afs.pages_liv as pages_liv, afs.pages_ramb as pages_ramb, afs.tic as tic, afs.pr as pr from affiliate_sites as sites left join affiliate_sites_to_category as cats on(sites.id=cats.affiliate_site) left join affiliate_sites_category as scats on(cats.cat_id=scats.id) left join affiliate_affiliate as aff on(sites.affiliate_id=aff.affiliate_id) left join affiliate_statistics as afs on(sites.id=afs.affiliate_site) left join affiliate_statistics as afs on(sites.id=afs.affiliate_site) в этой таблице очень много записав мне нужно только один запись примерно так: ORDER afs.date DESC LIMIT 0,1
  13. xaero


    Здравствуйте ... для не которых таблицы я сделал тригерры. Тригеррые запустил в MySQL front и MySQL HeidiSQL там работает все классно вот триггеры: DELIMITER $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `cdr_update`$$ CREATE TRIGGER `cdr_update` AFTER UPDATE ON cdr FOR EACH ROW BEGIN /* update crm_telephony */ UPDATE crm_telephony SET id_zv = NEW.id_cd, orders_id = NEW.orders_id, man_id = NEW.man_id, type_zv = NEW.type_zv, telephone = NEW.telephone, date_start = NEW.calldate, duration = NEW.billsec, status = NEW.disposition, record = NEW.userfield, comment = NEW.comment, dest = NEW.dst WHERE id_zv=OLD.id_cd AND type='cdr'; /* update crm_log */ UPDATE crm_log SET log_id = NEW.id_cd, man_id = NEW.man_id, date_start = NEW.calldate, date_finish = DATE_ADD(NEW.calldate, INTERVAL NEW.duration SECOND), telephone = NEW.telephone, dest = NEW.dst, type = 29, type_zv = NEW.type_zv, action = 'view', comment = NEW.comment, process = 29, orders_id = NEW.orders_id WHERE log_id=OLD.id_cd AND process=29; END;$$ /* insert cdr table trigger */ DELIMITER $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `cdr_insert`$$ CREATE TRIGGER `cdr_insert` AFTER INSERT ON cdr FOR EACH ROW BEGIN /* insert crm_telephony */ INSERT INTO crm_telephony SET id_zv = NEW.id_cd, orders_id = NEW.orders_id, man_id = NEW.man_id, type_zv = NEW.type_zv, type = 'cdr', telephone = NEW.telephone, date_start = NEW.calldate, duration = NEW.billsec, status = NEW.disposition, record = NEW.userfield, comment = NEW.comment, dest = NEW.dst; /* insert crm_log */ INSERT INTO crm_log SET log_id = NEW.id_cd, man_id = NEW.man_id, date_start = NEW.calldate, date_finish = DATE_ADD(NEW.calldate, INTERVAL NEW.duration SECOND), telephone = NEW.telephone, dest = NEW.dst, type = 29, type_zv = NEW.type_zv, action = 'view', comment = NEW.comment, process = 29, orders_id = NEW.orders_id; END;$$ но когда запускаю в phpMyAdmin даёт ошибка ...? можно ли в phpmyadmin запускать не сколько триггеров сразу ... ? спасибо за ответы ...
  14. http://fanat.uz обсуждайте работу
  15. возникла ещё один проблема а можно ли использовать триггеры два разных таблиц например у меня есть таблица - А для Б(таблиц) и В(таблиц) - я хотел использовать тригееры инсерт но там появляется такая ошибка: /* SQL Error: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'multiple triggers with the same action time and event for one table' */
  16. trigger - разрешено спасибо за ответы ..... очень благодарен
  17. так пробовал но c пейджингом беда: (SELECT id_zv as id_zv, orders_id as orders_id, type_zv as type_zv, man_id as man_id, telephone as telephone, date_start as date_start, last_mod as last_mod, prodolwit as prodolwit, is_ok as is_ok, local_hour as local_hour, count as count, record as record, comment as comment, 'phone' as type, '' as dest FROM orders_status_otzvon WHERE ( `type_zv` = 'sip_not_answered' OR `man_id` = 100 ) AND (`is_ok` = 0 AND `orders_id` = 1785 AND `date_start` >= '2009-06-06 12:00:33' AND date_start<='2009-07-09 12:00:12 23:59:00' AND `telephone` = 'TEST' ) ORDER BY date_start DESC LIMIT 0, 20) UNION (SELECT id_cd as id_zv, orders_id as orders_id, type_zv as type_zv, man_id as man_id, telephone as telephone, calldate as calldate, '' as last_mod, billsec as prodolwit, disposition as is_ok, '' as local_hour, '' as count, userfield as record, comment as comment, 'cdr' as type, dst as dest FROM cdr WHERE ( `type_zv` = 'sip_not_answered' OR `man_id` = 100 ) AND (disposition='NO ANSWER' AND `orders_id` = 1785 AND `calldate` >= '2009-06-06 12:00:33' AND calldate<='2009-07-09 12:00:12 23:59:00' AND `telephone` = 'TEST' ) ORDER BY calldate DESC LIMIT 0, 20) ORDER BY date_start DESC LIMIT 0, 20
  18. там 200 000 записей
  19. Вот у меня есть такой SQL: (SELECT `id_zv` AS `id_zv`, `orders_id` AS `orders_id`, `type_zv` AS `type_zv`, `man_id` AS `man_id`, `telephone` AS `telephone`, `date_start` AS `date_start`, `last_mod` AS `last_mod`, `prodolwit` AS `prodolwit`, `is_ok` AS `is_ok`, `local_hour` AS `local_hour`, `count` AS `count`, `record` AS `record`, `COMMENT` AS `COMMENT` , 'phone' AS `TYPE` , '' AS `dest` FROM orders_status_otzvon WHERE 0 =0 ) UNION ( SELECT `id_cd` AS `id_zv`, `orders_id` AS `orders_id`, `type_zv` AS `type_zv`, `man_id` AS `man_id`, `telephone` AS `telephone`, `calldate` AS `date_start`, '' AS `last_mod`, `billsec` AS `prodolwit`, `disposition` AS `is_ok`, '' AS `local_hour`, '' AS `count`, `userfield` AS `record`, `COMMENT` AS `COMMENT` , 'cdr' AS `TYPE` , `dst` AS `dest` FROM cdr WHERE 0 =0) ORDER BY `date_start` DESC LIMIT 0 , 25 у меня локалке работает 0.078 - а сервере 10 сек (долго) ... кто нибудь знает как ускорить процесс ?
  20. xaero

    create view

    Вот у меня есть такой query и я созадю view чтобы было удобно работать с условиями иначе каждому отдельный условия написать надо всё работает но с скоростью беда !!!! ест ли какой нибуд способ чтобы он работал быстро create or replace view log_tables as (select cd.id_cd as id, cd.man_id as man_id, concat(man.username, ' ',man.lastname) as actor_name, cd.calldate as date_start, DATE_ADD(cd.calldate, INTERVAL cd.duration SECOND) as date_finish, 29 as type, 'view' as action, cd.comment as comment from cdr as cd left join managers as man on (cd.man_id = man.man_id) ) union (select otz.id_zv as id, otz.man_id as man_id, concat(man.username, ' ',man.lastname) as actor_name, otz.date_start as date_start, DATE_ADD(otz.date_start, INTERVAL otz.prodolwit SECOND) as date_finish, 28 as type, 'view' as action, otz.comment as comment from orders_status_otzvon as otz left join managers as man on (otz.man_id = man.man_id) ) union (select ohs.id as id, ohs.manager_id as man_id, concat(man.username, ' ',man.lastname) as actor_name, ohs.date_open as date_start, ohs.date_finish as date_finish, 3 as type, 'view' as action, ohs.comments as comment from orders_status_history_work as ohs left join managers as man on (ohs.manager_id = man.man_id) ) union (select log.id as id, log.actor_id as man_id, concat(man.username, ' ',man.lastname) as actor_name, log.date as date_start, now() as date_finish, 0 as type, 'view' as action, log.text as comment from log left join managers as man on (log.actor_id = man.man_id) )
  21. я тоже понял ... где тут ответ array_unique он убирает повторяющихся значении а мне нужен идентификаторы
  22. вот массив: а можно по нему сделать рекурсивную функцию который ищет паренты (37, 28, 29) по опеределённым идентификаторм (id) $array = array( array('id'=>1, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>2, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>3, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>4, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>5, 'type'=>37), array('id'=>6, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>7, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>8, 'type'=>37), array('id'=>9, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>10, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>11, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>12, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>13, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>14, 'type'=>29), array('id'=>15, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>16, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>17, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>18, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>19, 'type'=>27), array('id'=>20, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>21, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>22, 'type'=>38), array('id'=>23, 'type'=>38) );
  23. здравствуйте дорогие программисты мне нужно один вещь ecть такой массив надо группировать его ... $array = array( type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>37, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>29, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>27, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38 ); как группировать если перед 38 нет не какой число который не равно на 38 значить он без типа, если после 37 там идет 38 надо группировать его 37=>array(все 38) до следующего 27 или 28 итого выводим вот такой результат Без типа: type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, Тип с 37: type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>29, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, Тип с 28: type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38, type_id=>38 Как можно реализовать такую структуру? Спасибо за внимание....
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