Это наиболее трудные. По 5 вариантов ответов. Можно просто ставить цифры ======================================================================== Which one of the following functions requires using something besides HTML markup alone (i.e.programs or scripts)? Including applications directly in a document Validating user input Retrieving on-line information Creating on-line documents Displaying forms =========================================================================== For an HTML 4.01 Transitional document, which line in the sample code above causes an error when attempting to validate the markup? Transitional A link.=========================================================================== какой язык позволяет сделать переключение стилей в документе, но поддерживается изначально только IE? JavaScript ASP VbScript JSP PHP =========================================================================== Если в документ включена большая картинка, какой способ лучше чтобы адаптировать сайт для текстовых браузеров? - Включить описание Alt - Включить Alt и ссылку на сайт с длинным описанием в параметр longdesc - Не включать Alt, а сделать caption над картинкой - Включить Alt и длинное описание longdesc - Не включать Alt, а сделать под картинкой ссылку на длинное описание ==================================================================================== Which one of the following is NOT a method of changing or declaring the character set of a Web page? A META element with the "http-equiv" attribute set to "Content-Type" and a value given for the charset attribute The charset attribute set on an element that designates an external resource The "profile" attribute of the HEAD element set to a W3C approved character set type reference link An HTTP "charset" parameter in a "Content-Type" field provided by the server A user agent mechanism to change or set the character set ============================================================================================== quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> Referring to the sample code above, in order to avoid the page with the above doctype from rendering in Quirks Mode for IE5 Macintosh and Netscape 6 users, what do you do to the doctype declaration? Add a third slash after the text "Transitional". Add a third slash before the text "W3C". Remove the word "Transitional" from the doctype. Add the URI: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose .dtd Add the URI: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose. dtd =============================================================================================== Which one of the following attributes of the < INPUT> element prevents users from changing the value, as well as omits the value when submitting the rest of the form? NOINPUT CHECKED ACCESSKEY LOCKED DISABLED