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Everything posted by judin

  1. Доброго времени суток. Столкнулся с проблемой, что при подсчете количества введенных слов функция отказывается выполнять умножение с ценой из другой функции... Первая функция: 01 function calc() { 02 03 var type_host = document.getElementById("type_host"); 04 var seo = document.getElementById("seo"); 05 var comment = document.getElementById("comment"); 06 var gallery = document.getElementById("gallery"); 07 var eshop = document.getElementById("eshop"); 08 09 var result = document.getElementById("type_host"); 10 var result = document.getElementById("seo"); 11 var result = document.getElementById("comment"); 12 var result = document.getElementById("gallery"); 13 var result = document.getElementById("eshop"); 14 var result = document.getElementById("result"); 15 16 var price_host = 0; 17 var price_seo = 0; 18 var price_comment = 0; 19 var price_gallery = 0; 20 var price_eshop = 0; 21 var price = 0; 22 price_host += (type_host.checked == true) ? parseInt(type_host.value) : 0; 23 price_seo += (seo.checked == true) ? parseInt(seo.value) : 0; 24 price_comment += (comment.checked == true) ? parseInt(comment.value) : 0; 25 price_gallery += (gallery.checked == true) ? parseInt(gallery.value) : 0; 26 price_eshop += (eshop.checked == true) ? parseInt(eshop.value) : 0; 27 price=price_host+price_seo + price_comment + price_gallery + price_eshop; 28 29 result_host.innerHTML = price_host; 30 result_seo.innerHTML = price_seo; 31 result_comment.innerHTML = price_comment; 32 result_gallery.innerHTML = price_gallery; 33 result_eshop.innerHTML = price_eshop; 34 result.innerHTML = price; 35 } Вторая функция: 1 var textarea = document.getElementsByName("comments")[0]; 2 var counter = document.getElementById("counter"); 3 textarea.onkeyup = function(s) { 4 counter.innerHTML = this.value.split(/ +(?:\S)/).length; 5 } Сам код: 01 <td width="20px"><input type="checkbox" onchange="calc()" value="350" id="type_host" /></td> 02 <td width="60px"></td> 03 <td width="100px"><span id="result_host">0</span> руб.</td> 04 05 <td width="20px"><input type="checkbox" onchange="calc()" value="300" id="seo" /></td> 06 <td width="60px"></td> 07 <td width="100px"><span id="result_seo">0</span> руб.</td> 08 </tr> 09 10 <tr> 11 <td width="20px"><input type="checkbox" onchange="calc()" value="300" id="comment" /></td> 12 <td width="60px"></td> 13 <td width="100px"><span id="result_comment">0</span> руб.</td> 14 15 <td width="20px"><input type="checkbox" onchange="calc()" value="300" id="gallery" /></td> 16 <td width="60px"></td> 17 <td width="100px"><span id="result_gallery">0</span> руб.</td> 18 </tr> 19 20 <tr> 21 <td width="20px"><input type="checkbox" onchange="calc()" value="200" id="eshop" /></td> 22 <td width="60px"></td> 23 <td width="100px"><span id="result_eshop">0</span> руб.</td> 24 <td width="20px"></td> 25 <td width="60px"></td> 26 <td width="100px"></td> 27 </tr> 28 <tr> 29 <td colspan="6" align="center"><h3>Введите текст:</h3></td> 30 </tr> 31 32 <tr> 33 <td colspan="5"><textarea name="comments" onchange="calc()" value="0" cols="38" rows="7"></textarea></td> 34 <td>Введено слов: <span id="counter">0</span></td></tr> 35 <tr><td colspan="6"><center><input type="submit" value="Отправить"> <input type="reset" value="Очистить"></center></td> 36 </tr> 37 38 39 <tr> 40 <td width="80" colspan="2" class="td_result">ИТОГО:</td> 41 <td width="120" colspan="2"></td> 42 <td width="160" class="td_result" colspan="2"><span id="result">0</span> руб.</td> 43 </tr> Что необходимо прописать, чтобы перемножить результат result с counter???
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