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обращение к объекту через переменную.


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задача следущая - поменять свойство (или класс)определённого div если выделен определенный input type="radio"

html += '<div style="clear: both;"><input type="radio" name="photo_privacy" value="1" id="photo_privacy_radio1" onclick="hideSecurityPopup(this);" class="secinput"/><a id="a1" class="secoption"><label for="photo_privacy_radio1" title="Only you may see this photo.">Personal</label></a></div>';

html += '<div style="clear: both;"><input type="radio" name="photo_privacy" value="2" id="photo_privacy_radio2" onclick="hideSecurityPopup(this);" class="secinput"/><a id="a2" class="secoption"><label for="photo_privacy_radio2" title="Only you and members of your circle may see this photo.">Private</label></a></div>';

html += '<div style="clear: both;"><input type="radio" name="photo_privacy" value="3" id="photo_privacy_radio3" checked="checked" onclick="hideSecurityPopup(this);" class="secinput"/><a id="a3" class="secoption"><label for="photo_privacy_radio3" title="Only you and members of your university may see this photo.">Protected</label></a></div>';

html += '<div style="clear: both;"><input type="radio" name="photo_privacy" value="4" id="photo_privacy_radio4" onclick="hideSecurityPopup(this);" class="secinput"/><a id="a4" class="secoption"><label for="photo_privacy_radio4" title="Any uackly member may see this photo.">Public</label></a></div>';

function showSecurityPopup(elem)


$('security_dropdown').style.display = "block";

var html0 = '<div style="cursor: pointer; width:40px; height:20px; background: url(/public/images/new_uz_images/locker.gif) 0 0 no-repeat;" onclick="hideSecurityPopup(this);">';

$('seclocker').innerHTML = html0;

secOn = 1;


function hideSecurityPopup()


if(secOn == 0)




var html0 = '<div style="cursor: pointer; width:40px; height:20px; background: url(/public/images/new_uz_images/locker.gif) 0 0 no-repeat;" onclick="showSecurityPopup(this);">';

$('seclocker').innerHTML = html0;

$('security_dropdown').style.display = "none";

secOn = 0;



document.namer.style.clear = "right";


function showDotSecurityPopup(radioGroupObj)


for (var i=0; i < radioGroupObj.length; i++)

if (radioGroupObj.checked)


qwe = radioGroupObj.value;


return qwe;


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