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Перевод полей формы




Я новичок в PHP, в компании стоит задача перевести контактную форму на русский язык. Перевожу ::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR. - ничего не происходит. Подскажите, пожалуйста, где нужно в форме заменить английский текст на русский.

Код контактной связи


class Inc_Form_Shortcode extends Abstract_Inc_Shortcode implements Inc_Shortcode_Designer
static $ID_ATTR = "id";
static $ACTION_ATTR = "action";
static $CAPTCHA_ATTR = "captcha";
static $SUCCESS_MSG_ATTR = "success";
static $ERROR_MSG_ATTR = "error";
static $SUBMIT_LABEL_ATTR = "submit_label";
static $DISPLAY_LEGEND_ATTR = "display_legend";
static $INPUT_ID_ATTR = 'id';
static $INPUT_NAME_ATTR = 'name';
static $INPUT_TYPE_ATTR = 'type';
static $INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR = 'required';
static $INPUT_LABEL_ATTR = 'label';
static $INPUT_VALUE_ATTR = 'value';
function render($attr, $inner_content = null, $code = "")
$content = '';
switch ($code) {
case "form":
$inner_content = do_shortcode($this->prepare_content($inner_content));
$content .= $this->render_form($attr, $inner_content);
case "input":
$inner_content = do_shortcode($this->prepare_content($inner_content));
$content .= $this->render_form_input($attr, $inner_content);
return $content;
private function render_form($attr, $inner_content)
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR => '',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ACTION_ATTR => '#',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$CAPTCHA_ATTR => 'false',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$SUBMIT_LABEL_ATTR => '',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$DISPLAY_LEGEND_ATTR => 'true',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$SUCCESS_MSG_ATTR => '',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ERROR_MSG_ATTR => ''), $attr));
$submitButtonId = uniqid();
$successBoxId = uniqid();
$errorBoxId = uniqid();
$submit_label = !empty($submit_label) ? $submit_label : __('Submit', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME);
$success = !empty($success) ? $success : __('The form has been successfully submitted', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME);
$error = !empty($error) ? $error : __('The form couldn\'t be submitted because a server error occurred. Please try again later.', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME);
$id = !empty($id) ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '';
$form_action = site_url('wp-admin/admin-ajax.php');
$content = do_shortcode('[notif id="' . $successBoxId . '" type="success" display="false"]' . $success . '[/notif]');
$content .= do_shortcode('[notif id="' . $errorBoxId . '" type="error" display="false"]' . $error . '[/notif]');
$content .= "<form" . $id . " class=\"content-form\" method=\"post\" action=\"$form_action\">";
$content .= $inner_content;
if (inc_is_captcha_form_enabled() && $captcha == 'true') {
$content .= "<p>";
$content .= do_shortcode('[captcha][/captcha]');
$content .= "</p>";
$content .= "<p>";
$content .= "<input id=\"$submitButtonId\" class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"$submit_label\">";
$content .= "</p>";
$content .= "</form>";
if ($display_legend == 'true') {
$content .= "<p><span class=\"asterisk note\">*</span> " . __('Required fields', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . "</p>";
$content .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
document['formsSettings'] = [];
action: '" . $action . "',
submitButtonId: '" . $submitButtonId . "',
successBoxId: '" . $successBoxId . "',
errorBoxId: '" . $errorBoxId . "'
return $content;
private function render_form_input($attr, $inner_content = null)
$content = '';
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_ID_ATTR => uniqid(),
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR => '',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR => 'text',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR => 'false',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR => '',
Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_VALUE_ATTR => ''
), $attr));
$required_span = '';
$required_class = '';
if ($required == 'true') {
$required_span = "<span class=\"asterisk note\">*</span>";
$required_class = "class=\"required\"";
if ($type != 'submit') {
$content .= "<p>";
if ($type == 'hidden') {
$content .= "<input id=\"$id\" type=\"$type\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\">";
} elseif ($type == 'custom') {
$content .= "<label for=\"$id\">" . $label . ":$required_span</label>";
$content .= $inner_content;
} else {
if ($type == 'textarea') {
$content .= "<label for=\"$id\">" . $label . ":$required_span</label>";
$content .= "<textarea id=\"$id\" cols=\"68\" rows=\"8\" name=\"$name\" $required_class>$value</textarea>";
} elseif ($type == 'checkbox') {
$checked = ($value == 'on' || $value == 'checked') ? 'checked' : '';
$content .= "<input id=\"$id\" name=\"$name\" type=\"checkbox\" $required_class $checked>";
$content .= " <label for=\"$id\">" . $label . ":$required_span</label>";
} else {
$content .= "<label for=\"$id\">" . $label . ":$required_span</label>";
$content .= "<input id=\"$id\" type=\"$type\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" $required_class>";
$content .= "</p>";
return $content;
function get_names()
return array('form', 'input');
function get_visual_editor_form()
$example1 = '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="name-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Имя" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="text" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="name" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"][/input]';
$example1 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="email-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Email" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="email" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="email" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"][/input]';
$example1 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="url-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Сайт" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="url" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="url" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="false"][/input]';
$example1 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="subject-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Тема" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="text" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="subject" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"][/input]';
$example1 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="message-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Сообщение" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="textarea" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="message" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"][/input]';
$example1 = htmlspecialchars($example1);
$example1 = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('[', ']'), $example1);
$example2 = '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="tf-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Имя" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="text" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="name" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"][/input]';
$example2 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="ef-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Email" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="email" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="email" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"][/input]';
$example2 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="erlf-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Сайт" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="url" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="url" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="false"][/input]';
$example2 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="cf-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Checkbox Field" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="checkbox" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="checkbox" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"][/input]';
$example2 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="custf-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Custom Field" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="custom" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"]<select id="custf-id" name="custom"><option value="op1">Option 1</option><option value="op2">Option 2</option></select>[/input]';
$example2 .= '[input '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR.'="taf-id" '.Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_LABEL_ATTR.'="Textarea Field" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_TYPE_ATTR . '="textarea" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_NAME_ATTR . '="textarea" ' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$INPUT_REQUIRED_ATTR . '="true"][/input]';
$example2 = htmlspecialchars($example2);
$example2 = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('[', ']'), $example2);
$content = '<form id="sc-form-form" class="generic-form" method="post" action="#" data-sc="form">';
$content .= '<fieldset>';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= '<label for="sc-form-ext">' . __('Example Type', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . ':</label>';
$content .= '<select id="sc-form-ext" name="sc-form-ext">';
$content .= '<option value="contact">' . __('Contact Form Example', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . '</option>';
$content .= '<option value="basic">' . __('Basic Form Example', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . '</option>';
$content .= '</select>';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= '<label for="sc-form-id">' . __('ID', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . ':</label>';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-id" name="sc-form-action" type="text" data-attr-name="' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ID_ATTR . '" data-attr-type="attr">';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= '<label for="sc-form-action">' . __('Action', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . ':</label>';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-action" name="sc-form-action" type="text" data-attr-name="' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ACTION_ATTR . '" data-attr-type="attr" class="required">';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-captcha" name="sc-form-captcha" type="checkbox" data-attr-name="' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$CAPTCHA_ATTR . '" data-attr-type="attr">';
$content .= '<label for="sc-form-captcha">' . __('Add Captcha', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . '</label>';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= '<label for="sc-form-sl">' . __('Submit Label', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . ':</label>';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-sl" name="sc-form-sl" type="text" data-attr-name="' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$SUBMIT_LABEL_ATTR . '" data-attr-type="attr">';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= '<label for="sc-form-success">' . __('Success Message', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . ':</label>';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-success" name="sc-form-success" type="text" data-attr-name="' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$SUCCESS_MSG_ATTR . '" data-attr-type="attr">';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= '<label for="sc-form-error">' . __('Error Message', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . ':</label>';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-error" name="sc-form-error" type="text" data-attr-name="' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$ERROR_MSG_ATTR . '" data-attr-type="attr">';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div>';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-dl" name="sc-form-dl" type="checkbox" checked data-attr-name="' . Inc_Form_Shortcode::$DISPLAY_LEGEND_ATTR . '" data-attr-type="attr">';
$content .= '<label for="sc-form-dl">' . __('Display Legend', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . '</label>';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div >';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-ex-contact" type="hidden" value="' . $example1 . '">';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-ex-basic" type="hidden" value="' . $example2 . '">';
$content .= '<input id="sc-form-form-submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Insert Form', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME) . '" class="button-primary">';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '</fieldset>';
$content .= '</form>';
return $content;
function get_group_title()
return __('Others', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME);
function get_title()
return __('Form', INCEPTIO_THEME_NAME);

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