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Доброго времени суток. до недавного времени я программировал CMS обычным способом PHP

сейчас начал осваивать OOP PHP  собвственно пишу  новую  CMS  на OOP PHP дабы в будущем можно было ее совершенствовать без проблем,а не как на обычном PHP программирование.


оцените мой первый написаный  метод который будет разговаривать с базой данных  с  1 таблицей включающий в себя все возможные виды запросов.


буду рад  вашим советам и отзывам. !!


вот собвственно он :

	 class DBWork { 	 	private $dbh;	 	private $config; 	private $valid; 	public function __construct(){ 		$this->config = new Config(); 		$this->valid = new CheckValid(); 		try {	 		$this->dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='.$this->config->host.';dbname='.$this->config->dbName.';charset=utf8',$this->config->userName,$this->config->password);			$this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE,  PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);					} 		catch (PDOException $e) {			//var_dump($e);			echo $e->getMessage();		} 	} 	/* ========= SELECT ALL AND ONE ITEM METHODS ARGUMENTS SETTINGS  =================	arg 1 = table name - required.	arg 2 = fields - required. for example : array("name","id") very important insert all fields inside array even if you have a single field or you selecting  all fields like this (*)	olso you can us mysql functions like count() or sum() or any thing alse like this: count(`id`) , sum(`id`).	arg 3 = for WHERE clause - optional for exampele : "`id` = " or "`name` = ".	arg 4 = for WHERE clause -  required if arg 3 was inserted  example of use : "`id` = ","3" or "`name` = ","viktor".	arg 5 = for AND clause - optional for example : "`custumer` = " or "`age` = ".	arg 6 = for AND clause -  required if arg 5 was inserted  example of use : "`custumer` = ","exists" or "`age` = ","28".	arg 7 = ORDER BY clause - optioal  for example : "`id`" or "`age`"  by default its by "`id`".	arg 8 = optional ORDER BY FIRST TO LAST $up = true AND BY LAST TO FIRST $up = false  . by default $up = true.	arg 9 = LIMIT optional for example "2" or "10". by default there is no limit.	EXAMPLE OF USE	using all arguments : select("`test`", array("id","name"), "`id` =", "3", "`name`=", "viktor", "`order`" ,$up=true, "2");	using only required arguments :  select("`test`", array("id","name"));	using order by and limit : select("`test`", array("id","name"), "", "", "", "", "`order`" ,$up=true, "2");	-= VERY IMPORTANT TO LEAVE THE PREVIOUS FIELDS EMPTY IF YOU WANT  TO MAKE A REQUEST  WITHOUT CLAUSES  WHERE and  AND =-		*/	/* === SELECT ALL METHOD === */ 	public function selectAll($table, $fields, $where = "", $whereVal="", $and="", $andVal="", $order = "", $up = true, $limit = ""){ 		for($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++){ 			if(strpos($fields[$i], "(") === false && $fields[$i] != "*"){ $fields[$i] = "`".$fields[$i]."`";} 		} 		$fields = implode(",",$fields); 		if(!$order){ 		 $order = " ORDER BY `id`"; 		}else{ 			if($order != " RAND() "){ 				$order = "ORDER BY $order "; 				if(!$up) $order .= " DESC "; 			}else{ 				$order = " ORDER BY $order "; 			} 		} 		if($limit) $limit = " LIMIT $limit "; 		if($where && !$and){ 	 			try { 				if($whereVal){ 				   $query = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $where:val $order $limit");			       $query->bindParam(":val",$whereVal,PDO::PARAM_STR); 				}else{ 					throw new Exception("Check WHERE clouse argument and argument value in SELECT METHOD All() that you call!!! It cant Be EMPTY!!!!"); 					 				}								} catch (Exception $ex) {									echo "<div style=\"border:2px dotted #ff0000;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ff0000;width:800px;margin:50px auto;\">Error: ".$ex->getMessage()."</div>";			}			}		if($and && $where){			try{				if($andVal && $whereVal){				$query = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $where:val AND $and:val2 $order $limit");				$query->bindParam(":val",$whereVal,PDO::PARAM_STR);				$query->bindParam(":val2",$andVal,PDO::PARAM_STR);				}else{ 					throw new Exception("Check if you calling to existing  AND & WHERE clouses arguments and arguments values in SELECT ALL() METHOD that you call!!! they cant Be EMPTY and must be existing!!!!"); 					 				}								} catch (Exception $ex) {									echo "<div style=\"border:2px dotted #ff0000;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ff0000;width:800px;margin:50px auto;\">Error: ".$ex->getMessage()."</div>";			}								 }		 if(!$where){ 			$query =  $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT $fields FROM $table $order $limit"); 			 		} 		try { 			if(isset($query)){	 		try {	 			 $query->execute(); 				 $rows = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);	 			 	 		} catch (PDOException $e) {	 			$arr = $e->errorInfo[2];	 			echo "<div style=\"border:2px dotted #ff0000;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ff0000;width:800px;margin:50px auto;\">".$arr."<br >Please Check your syntax in SELECT ALL() method that you call !!! </div> ";	 			//var_dump($e);	 				 		} 					 	}else{	 		throw new Exception("QUERY DO NOT EXISTS!!!");	 			 	} 			 		} catch (Exception $ex) { 			echo "<div style=\"border:2px dotted #ff0000;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ff0000;width:800px;margin:50px auto;\">Error: ".$ex->getMessage()."</div>"; 		} 		try { 			if (isset($rows) && $rows) { 			 return $rows;	         $this->dbh = null; 			}else{ 				throw new Exception("There is no returned Data from Data Base with method SELECT ALL()!!! Make sure that you calling a right fields with right Conditions !!!"); 			} 			 		} catch (Exception $ex) { 			echo "<div style=\"border:2px dotted #ff0000;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ff0000;width:800px;margin:50px auto;\">Error: ".$ex->getMessage()."</div>"; 		} 		 		 	}    }вызов метода  $CMSDBWORK = new  DBWork(); $s = $CMSDBWORK->selectAll("`test`",array("name","id"),"`id` <","4","`name` = ","","`order`");var_dump($s);
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