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Стелать скрытую страничку в modx



Доброго времени суток. Прошу консультации. Имееться сайт на modx. Там присутствует каталог с товаром (не интернет магазин). Есть устаревший товар, который надо убрать с сайта, но если просто снясть публикацию то ссылочная масса повредиться, тоесть даже внутрение ссылки на те товары будут не действительны. Как бы сделать так, что б в каталоге публикация не отображалась, а по ссылке дальше была активна.


p.s. задал вопрос как можно понятнее.

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Уточните какая версия modx используется?

Какой модуль используется для вывода каталога товаров?


Верно ли я понял что вы не хотите чтобы товар выводился в каталоге, но внутренние ссылки всеравно вели на него(тоесть публикация сохранилась)?

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никаких модулей не использую..все шаблоном ( говорю ж єто не интрнет магазин а просто каталог)


вы верно поняли..Публикация должна быть активна, но не отображаться, а ссылка на эту станичку с другового или своего же ресурса вела к этому товару.

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Сайт, я так понимаю, делали не вы? Ну, т.н. сниппеты Ditto (getResource в ветке Revolution) и Wayfinder (чаще для сквозных меню) используются для подобных вещей (навигация, списки анонсов, каталоги) в MODx. Значит, где-то на странице каталога они с вероятность 99% вызываются — либо в шаблоне, либо в контенте, либо в дополнительном поле.

Возможно, вам это поможет: http://habrahabr.ru/post/122289/

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Сайт, я так понимаю, делали не вы? Ну, т.н. сниппеты Ditto (getResource в ветке Revolution) и Wayfinder (чаще для сквозных меню) используются для подобных вещей (навигация, списки анонсов, каталоги) в MODx. Значит, где-то на странице каталога они с вероятность 99% вызываются — либо в шаблоне, либо в контенте, либо в дополнительном поле.

Возможно, вам это поможет: http://habrahabr.ru/post/122289/

У него Evo , хотя сниппет Ditto для него есть. Так же возможно там какой-то самописный сниппет для вывода.


Nem-One зайдите в админке в редактирование страницы, на которой выводится каталог, и скопируйте нам код. Чтобы было понятно используется ли у вас какой-то сниппет и какой конкретно.

Edited by wwt
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может поможете на конкретном примере.


вот код шаблона где віводиться каталог:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ua"><head><link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS лента" href="http://garmin.lviv.ua/rss" ><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=[(modx_charset)]" /><title>Garmin в Україні - Garmin Івано-Франківськ. Купити Garmin у Львові. Львів Garmin Україна.Каталог продукції Garmin м.Львів</title><link rel="shortcut icon" href="[(site_url)]favicon.ico"></link>    <base href="[(site_url)]" />    <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="ua" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/templates/html/css/style.css" media="screen" />	<!--[if lt IE 7]>		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/templates/html/css/iefix.css" media="screen" />		<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/templates/html/js/fixpng.js"></script>	<![endif]-->[+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`6`:then=`<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/templates/html/js/swfobject.js"></script>`+][+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`8`:or:is=`12`:then=`<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/templates/html/js/jquery.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="assets/templates/html/js/thickbox.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/templates/html/css/thickbox.css" media="screen" />`+]</head><body><div class="conteiner">		<div class="header">			<div>				<ul class="index clear">					[+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`12`:then=`					<li><img src="assets/templates/html/i/index-contacts-grey.gif" alt="Контакти" /></li>					`:else=`					<li><a href="[~12~]" title="Контакти"><img src="assets/templates/html/i/index-contacts.gif" alt="Контакти" /></a></li>					`+]					[+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`56`:then=`					<li><img src="assets/templates/html/i/index-sitemap-grey.gif" alt="Карта сайту" /></li>					`:else=`					<li><a href="[~56~]" title="Карта сайту"><img src="assets/templates/html/i/index-sitemap.gif" alt="Карта сайту" /></a></li>					`+]					<li><a href="[~1~]" title="На головну"><img src="assets/templates/html/i/index-home.gif" alt="На головну" /></a></li>				</ul>				<a class="logo" href="[~1~]" title="На головну"><img src="assets/templates/html/i/logo.gif" alt="Наутіка" /></a>                               [!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &level=`1` &outerTpl=`nav-out` &rowTpl=`nav-row` &hereTpl=`nav-current` &hereClass=`current` &lastClass=`last` &excludeDocs=`5,10,38` !]			</div>		</div>		<div class="content clear">		[+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`4`:or:is=`11`:then=`			<div class="two-of-three">				[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &config=`breadcrumb`!]				<h1>[*longtitle*]</h1>			</div>			[*content*]			`:else=`		[+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`5`:or:is=`7`:or:is=`38`:then=`			<div class="two-of-three">				[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &config=`breadcrumb`!]				<h1>[*longtitle*]</h1>			</div>				[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`date` &sortBy=`edate` &dateSource=`edate` &dateFormat=`%d.%m.%Y` &tpl=`articles-list`!]		`:else=`                [+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`6`:then=`                        [!Wayfinder? &startId=`6` &level=`1` &outerTpl=`swf-nav-out` &rowTpl=`swf-nav-row` &textOfLinks=`alias` &sortBy=`menuindex` &!]		`:else=`		[+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`12`:then=`			<div class="two-of-three">				[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &config=`breadcrumb`!]				<h1>[*longtitle*]</h1>			</div>			<div class="two-one">				<div class="two-of-three clear">						<ul class="three-cols contact clear">							[*content*]                       	         			{{contactFormCall}}						</ul>				</div>			</div>		`:else=`                [+phx:if=`[*id*]`:eg=`13`:and:el=`21`:then=`				[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &config=`breadcrumb`!]			<ul class="three-cols products clear">				[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list`!]			</ul>		`:else=`			<div class="two-of-three">				[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &config=`breadcrumb`!]				<h1>[*longtitle*]</h1>			</div>			<div class="two-one clear">				<div class="one">					<img src="[*item-img*]" alt="[+pagetitle+]"/>				</div>				<div class="two">					 [+phx:if=`[*parent*]`:is=`21`:then=`<p class="desc">[*introtext*]</p>`:else=``+]					[*content*]					[+phx:if=`[*id*]`:is=`56`:then=`					[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &level=`2` &outerTpl=`map-out` &rowTpl=`map-cat` &innerRowTpl=`map-row` &excludeDocs=`1` !]					`+]				</div>			</div>		`+]`+]`+]`+]`+]		</div>		<div class="clearer"> </div>		<div class="footer">                               <div class="clear">                                       [!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &level=`1` &outerTpl=`nav-out` &rowTpl=`nav-row` &lastClass=`last`!]                               </div>				<p>Copyright © 1996—2013 ТзОВ «Компанія Наутіка» м. 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вот код параметра Dito

<?php/* * Title: Ditto Snippet *  * Description: *  	Aggregates documents to create blogs, article/news *  	collections, and more,with full support for templating. *  * Author:  * 		Mark Kaplan for MODx CMF *  * Version:  * 		2.0.2*///---Core Settings---------------------------------------------------- //$ditto_version = "2.0.2";	// Ditto version being executed$ditto_base = isset($ditto_base) ? $modx->config['base_path'].$ditto_base : $modx->config['base_path']."assets/snippets/ditto/";/*	Param: ditto_base		Purpose:	Location of Ditto files	Options:	Any valid folder location containing the Ditto source code with a trailing slash	Default:	[(base_path)]assets/snippets/ditto/*/$dittoID = (!isset($id)) ? "" : $id."_";$GLOBALS["dittoID"] = $dittoID;/*	Param: id	Purpose:	Unique ID for this Ditto instance for connection with other scripts (like Reflect) and unique URL parameters	Options:	Any combination of characters a-z, underscores, and numbers 0-9		Note:	This is case sensitive	Default:	"" - blank*/		$language = (isset($language))? $language : "english";/*	Param: language	Purpose:	language for defaults, debug, and error messages	Options:	Any language name with a corresponding file in the &ditto_base/lang folder	Default:	"english"*/$format = (isset($format)) ? strtolower($format) : "html" ;/*	Param: format	Purpose: 	Output format to use	Options:	- "html"	- "json"	- "xml"	- "atom"	- "rss"	Default:	"html"*/$config = (isset($config)) ? $config : "default";/*	Param: config	Purpose: 	Load a custom configuration	Options:	"default" - default blank config file	CONFIG_NAME - Other configs installed in the configs folder or in any folder within the MODx base path via @FILE	Default:	"default"		Related:	- <extenders>*/$debug = isset($debug)? $debug : 0;/*	Param: debug	Purpose: 	Output debugging information	Options:	0 - off	1 - on		Default:	0 - off		Related:	- <debug>*/$phx = (isset($phx))? $phx : 1;/*	Param: phx	Purpose: 	Use PHx formatting	Options:	0 - off	1 - on		Default:	1 - on*/		$extenders = isset($extenders) ? explode(",",$extenders) : array();/*	Param: extenders	Purpose: 	Load an extender which adds functionality to Ditto	Options:	Any extender in the extenders folder or in any folder within the MODx base path via @FILE	Default:	[NULL]	Related:	- <config>*/	// Variable: extenders	// Array that can be added to by configs or formats to load that extender	$placeholders = array();	// Variable: placeholders	// Initialize custom placeholders array for configs or extenders to add to$filters = array("custom"=>array(),"parsed"=>array());	// Variable: filters	// Holds both the custom filters array for configs or extenders to add to 	// and the parsed filters array. To add to this array, use the following format	// (code)	// $filters["parsed"][] = array("name" => array("source"=>$source,"value"=>$value,"mode"=>$mode));	// $filters["custom"][] = array("source","callback_function");	//---Includes-------------------------------------------------------- //$files = array (	"language" => $ditto_base."lang/$language.inc.php",	"main_class" => $ditto_base."classes/ditto.class.inc.php",	"template_class" => $ditto_base."classes/template.class.inc.php",	"filter_class" => $ditto_base."classes/filter.class.inc.php",	"format" => $ditto_base."formats/$format.format.inc.php",	"config" => (substr($config, 0, 5) != "@FILE") ? $ditto_base."configs/$config.config.php" : $modx->config['base_path'].trim(substr($config, 5)));if ($phx == 1) {	$files["prePHx_class"] = $ditto_base."classes/phx.pre.class.inc.php";}if (isset($randomize)) {	$files["randomize_class"] = $ditto_base."classes/random.class.inc.php";}if ($debug == 1) {	$files["modx_debug_class"] = $ditto_base."debug/modxDebugConsole.class.php";	$files["debug_class"] = $ditto_base."classes/debug.class.inc.php";	$files["debug_templates"] = $ditto_base."debug/debug.templates.php";}foreach ($files as $filename => $filevalue) {	if (file_exists($filevalue) && strpos($filename,"class")) {		include_once($filevalue);	} else if (file_exists($filevalue)) {		include($filevalue);	} else if ($filename == "language") {		$modx->logEvent(1, 3, "Language file does not exist Please check: " . $filevalue, "Ditto " . $ditto_version);		return "Language file does not exist Please check: " . $filevalue;	} else {		$modx->logEvent(1, 3, $filevalue . " " . $_lang['file_does_not_exist'], "Ditto " . $ditto_version);		return $filevalue . " " . $_lang['file_does_not_exist'];	}}//---Initiate Class-------------------------------------------------- //if (class_exists('ditto')) {	$ditto = new ditto($dittoID,$format,$_lang,$dbg_templates);		// create a new Ditto instance in the specified format and language with the requested debug level} else {	$modx->logEvent(1,3,$_lang['invalid_class'],"Ditto ".$ditto_version);	return $_lang['invalid_class'];}//---Initiate Extenders---------------------------------------------- //if (isset($tagData)) {	$extenders[] = "tagging";}if(count($extenders) > 0) {	$extenders = array_unique($extenders);	foreach ($extenders as $extender) {			if(substr($extender, 0, 5) != "@FILE") {				$extender_path = $ditto_base."extenders/".$extender.".extender.inc.php";							} else {				$extender_path = $modx->config['base_path'].trim(substr($extender, 5));			}						if (file_exists($extender_path)){				include($extender_path);			} else {				$modx->logEvent(1, 3, $extender . " " . $_lang['extender_does_not_exist'], "Ditto ".$ditto_version);				return $extender . " " . $_lang['extender_does_not_exist'];			}			}	}//---Parameters------------------------------------------------------- /*if (isset($startID)) {$parents = $startID;}if (isset($summarize)) {$display = $summarize;}if (isset($limit)) {$queryLimit = $limit;}	// Allow backwards compatibility$idType = isset($documents) ? "documents" : "parents";	// Variable: idType	// type of IDs provided; can be either parents or documents$parents = isset($parents) ? $ditto->cleanIDs($parents) : $modx->documentIdentifier;/*	Param: parents	Purpose:	IDs of containers for Ditto to retrieve their children to &depth depth	Options:	Any valid MODx document marked as a container	Default:	Current MODx Document	Related:	- <documents>	- <depth>*/$documents = isset($documents) ? $ditto->cleanIDs($documents) : false;/*	Param: documents	Purpose:	IDs of documents for Ditto to retrieve	Options:	Any valid MODx document marked as a container	Default:	None	Related:	- <parents>*/$IDs = ($idType == "parents") ? $parents : $documents;	// Variable: IDs	// Internal variable which holds the set of IDs for Ditto to fetch$depth = isset($depth) ? $depth : 1;/*	Param: depth	Purpose:	Number of levels deep to retrieve documents	Options:	Any number greater than or equal to 1	Default:	1	Related:	- <seeThruUnpub>*/$paginate = isset($paginate)? $paginate : 0;/*	Param: paginate	Purpose:	Paginate the results set into pages of &show lenght	Options:	0 - off	1 - on		Default:	0 - off		Related:	- <paginateAlwaysShowLinks>	- <paginateSplitterCharacter>	- <show>*/$dateSource = isset($dateSource) ? $dateSource : "createdon";/*	Param: dateSource	Purpose:	Source of the [+date+] placeholder	Options:	# - Any UNIX timestamp from MODx fields or TVs such as createdon, pub_date, or editedon		Default:	"createdon"		Related:	- <dateFormat>*/$dateFormat = isset($dateFormat)? $dateFormat : $_lang["dateFormat"];/*	Param: dateFormat	Purpose:	Format the [+date+] placeholder in human readable form	Options:	Any PHP valid strftime option	Default:	[LANG]		Related:	- <dateSource>*/$display = isset($display) ? $display : 3;/*	Param: display	Purpose:	Number of documents to display in the results	Options:	# - Any number	"all" - All documents found	Default:	3		Related:	- <queryLimit>	- <total>*/$total = isset($total) ? $total : "all";/*	Param: total	Purpose:	Number of documents to retrieve		Options:	# - Any number	"all" - All documents found	Default:	"all" - All documents found		Related:	- <show>	- <queryLimit>*/$showPublishedOnly = isset($showPublishedOnly) ? $showPublishedOnly : 1;/*	Param: showPublishedOnly	Purpose:	Show only published documents	Options:	0 - show only unpublished documents	1 - show only published documents		Default:	1 - show only published documents		Related:	- <seeThruUnpub>	- <hideFolders>	- <showPublishedOnly>	- <where>		Todo:	- Allow when set to 0 show both published and unpublished documents*/$showInMenuOnly = isset($showInMenuOnly) ? $showInMenuOnly : 0;/*	Param: showInMenuOnly	Purpose:	Show only documents visible in the menu	Options:	0 - show all documents	1 - show only documents with the show in menu flag checked		Default:	0 - show all documents		Related:	- <seeThruUnpub>	- <hideFolders>	- <where>*/$hideFolders = isset($hideFolders)? $hideFolders : 0;/*	Param: hideFolders	Purpose:	Don't show folders in the returned results	Options:	0 - keep folders	1 - remove folders		Default:	0 - keep folders		Related:	- <seeThruUnpub>	- <showInMenuOnly>	- <where>*/$seeThruUnpub = (isset($seeThruUnpub))? $seeThruUnpub : 1 ;/*	Param: seeThruUnpub	Purpose:	See through unpublished folders to retrive their children	Used when depth is greater than 1	Options:	0 - off	1 - on		Default:	0 - off		Related:	- <hideFolders>	- <showInMenuOnly>	- <where>*/$queryLimit = (isset($queryLimit))? $queryLimit : 0;/*	Param: queryLimit	Purpose:	Number of documents to retrieve from the database, same as MySQL LIMIT	Options:	# - Any number	0 - automatic	Default:	0 - automatic		Related:	- <where>*/$where = (isset($where))? $where : "";/*	Param: where	Purpose:	Custom MySQL WHERE statement	Options:	A valid MySQL WHERE statement using only document object items (no TVs)	Default:	[NULL]		Related:	- <queryLimit>*/$noResults = isset($noResults)? $ditto->getParam($noResults,"no_documents") : $_lang['no_documents'];/*	Param: noResults	Purpose:	Text or chunk to display when there are no results	Options:	Any valid chunk name or text	Default:	[LANG]*/$removeChunk = isset($removeChunk) ? explode(",",$removeChunk) : false;/*	Param: removeChunk	Purpose: 	Name of chunks to be stripped from content separated by commas	- Commonly used to remove comments	Options:	Any valid chunkname that appears in the output	Default:	[NULL]*/$hiddenFields = isset($hiddenFields) ? explode(",",$hiddenFields) : false;/*	Param: hiddenFields	Purpose:	Allow Ditto to retrieve fields its template parser cannot handle such as nested placeholders and [*fields*]	Options:	Any valid MODx fieldnames or TVs comma separated	Default:	[NULL]*/$sortDir = isset($sortDir) ? strtoupper($sortDir) : 'DESC';/*	Param: sortDir	Purpose: 	Direction to sort documents	Options:	ASC - ascending	DESC - descending	Default:	"DESC"		Related:	- <sortBy>*/$sortBy = isset($sortBy) ? $ditto->parseSort($sortBy, $randomize) : "createdon";/*	Param: sortBy	Purpose: 	Field to sort documents by	Options:	Any document object field or TV	Default:	"createdon"		Related:	- <sortDir>*/$offset = isset($start) ? $start : 0;$start = (isset($_GET[$dittoID.'start'])) ? intval($_GET[$dittoID.'start']) : 0;/*	Param: start	Purpose: 	Number of documents to skip in the results		Options:	Any number	Default:	0*/$globalFilterDelimiter = isset($globalFilterDelimiter) ? $globalFilterDelimiter : "|";/*	Param: globalFilterDelimiter	Purpose: 	Filter delimiter used to separate filters in the filter string		Options:	Any character not used in the filters	Default:	"|"		Related:	- <localFilterDelimiter>	- <filter>	- <parseFilters>*/	$localFilterDelimiter = isset($localFilterDelimiter) ? $localFilterDelimiter : ",";/*	Param: localFilterDelimiter	Purpose:	Delimiter used to separate individual parameters within each filter string		Options:	Any character not used in the filter itself	Default:	","		Related:	- <globalFilterDelimiter>	- <filter>	- <parseFilters>*/$filters["custom"] = isset($cFilters) ? array_merge($filters["custom"],$cFilters) : $filters["custom"];$filters["parsed"] = isset($parsedFilters) ? array_merge($filters["parsed"],$parsedFilters) : $filters["parsed"];	// handle 2.0.0 compatibility$filter = (isset($filter) || ($filters["custom"] != false) || ($filters["parsed"] != false)) ? $ditto->parseFilters($filter,$filters["custom"],$filters["parsed"],$globalFilterDelimiter,$localFilterDelimiter) : false;/*	Param: filter	Purpose:	Only show items meeting a criteria	Use in the format field,criteria,mode with the comma being the local delimiter	*Mode* *Meaning*		1 - !=	2 - ==	3 - <	4 - >	5 - <=	6 - >=	7 - Text not in field value	8 - Text in field value		@EVAL:		@EVAL in filters works the same as it does in MODx exect it can only be used 		with basic filtering, not custom filtering (tagging, etc). Make sure that		you return the value you wish Ditto to filter by and that the code is valid PHP.	Default:	[NULL]		Related:	- <localFilterDelimiter>	- <globalFilterDelimiter>	- <parseFilters>*/$keywords = (isset($keywords))? $keywords : 0;/*		Param: keywords		Purpose: 	Enable fetching of associated keywords for each document	Can be used as [+keywords+] or as a tagData source		Options:	0 - off	1 - on		Default:	0 - off*/$randomize = (isset($randomize))? $randomize : 0;/*		Param: randomize		Purpose: 	Randomize the order of the output		Options:	0 - off	1 - on	Any MODx field or TV for weighted random		Default:	0 - off*/$save = (isset($save))? $save : 0;/*	Param: save	Purpose:	Saves the ditto object and results set to placeholders	for use by other snippets	Options:	0 - off; returns output	1 - remaining; returns output	2 - all;	3 - all; returns ph only	Default:		0 - off; returns output*/$templates = array(	"default" => "@CODE".$_lang['default_template'],	"base" => $tpl,	"alt" => $tplAlt,	"first" => $tplFirst,	"last" => $tplLast,	"current" => $tplCurrentDocument);/*	Param: tpl	Purpose:	User defined chunk to format the documents 	Options:	- Any valid chunk name	- Code via @CODE	- File via @FILE	Default:	[LANG]*//*	Param: tplAlt	Purpose:	User defined chunk to format every other document	Options:	- Any valid chunk name	- Code via @CODE	- File via @FILE	Default:	&tpl*//*	Param: tplFirst	Purpose:	User defined chunk to format the first document 	Options:	- Any valid chunk name	- Code via @CODE	- File via @FILE	Default:	&tpl*//*	Param: tplLast	Purpose:	User defined chunk to format the last document 	Options:	- Any valid chunk name	- Code via @CODE	- File via @FILE	Default:	&tpl*//*	Param: tplCurrentDocument	Purpose:	User defined chunk to format the current document	Options:	- Any valid chunk name	- Code via @CODE	- File via @FILE	Default:	&tpl*///-------------------------------------------------------------------- */	$templates = $ditto->template->process($templates);	// parse the templates for TV's and store them for later use$ditto->setDisplayFields($ditto->template->fields,$hiddenFields);	// parse hidden fields	$ditto->parseFields($placeholders,$seeThruUnpub,$dateSource,$randomize);	// parse the fields into the field array		$documentIDs = $ditto->determineIDs($IDs, $idType, $ditto->fields["backend"]["tv"], $sortBy, $sortDir, $depth, $showPublishedOnly, $seeThruUnpub, $hideFolders, $showInMenuOnly, $where, $keywords, $queryLimit, $display, $filter,$paginate, $randomize);	// retrieves a list of document IDs that meet the criteria and populates the $resources array with them$count = count($documentIDs);	// count the number of documents to be retrieved$count = $count-$offset;	// handle the offsetif ($count > 0) {	// if documents are returned continue with execution		$total = ($total == "all") ? $count : min($total,$count);		// set total equal to count if all documents are to be included		$display = ($display == "all") ? min($count,$total) : min($display,$total);		// allow show to use all option	$stop = ($save != "1") ? min($total-$start,$display) : min($count,$total);		// set initial stop count	if($paginate == 1) {		$paginateAlwaysShowLinks = isset($paginateAlwaysShowLinks)? $paginateAlwaysShowLinks : 0;		/*			Param: paginateAlwaysShowLinks			Purpose:			Determine whether or not to always show previous next links			Options:			0 - off			1 - on			Default:			0 - off					Related:			- <paginate>			- <paginateSplitterCharacter>		*/		$paginateSplitterCharacter = isset($paginateSplitterCharacter)? $paginateSplitterCharacter : $_lang['button_splitter'];		/*			Param: paginateSplitterCharacter			Purpose:			Splitter to use if always show is disabled			Options:			Any valid character			Default:			[LANG]					Related:			- <paginate>			- <paginateSplitterCharacter>		*/		$tplPaginatePrevious = isset($tplPaginatePrevious)? $ditto->template->fetch($tplPaginatePrevious) : $_lang['prev'];		/*			Param: tplPaginatePrevious			Purpose:			Template for the inside of the previous link			Options:			- Any valid chunk name			- Code via @CODE			- File via @FILE			Default:			[LANG]					Related:			- <tplPaginateNext>			- <paginateSplitterCharacter>		*/		$tplPaginateNext = isset($tplPaginateNext)? $ditto->template->fetch($tplPaginateNext) : $_lang['next'];		/*			Param: tplPaginateNext			Purpose:			Template for the inside of the next link			Options:			- Any valid chunk name			- Code via @CODE			- File via @FILE			Default:			[LANG]					Related:			- <tplPaginatePrevious>			- <paginateSplitterCharacter>		*/		$ditto->paginate($start, $stop, $total, $display, $tplPaginateNext, $tplPaginatePrevious, $paginateAlwaysShowLinks, $paginateSplitterCharacter);			// generate the pagination placeholders	}	$dbFields = $ditto->fields["display"]["db"];		// get the database fields	$TVs = $ditto->fields["display"]["tv"];		// get the TVs		switch($sortDir) {		case "DESC":			$stop = ($ditto->prefetch === false) ? $stop + $start + $offset : $stop + $offset; 			$start += $offset;		break;		case "ASC":			$start += $offset;			$stop += $start;		break;	}	if ($ditto->prefetch !== false) {		$documentIDs = array_slice($documentIDs,$start,$stop);			// set the document IDs equal to the trimmed array		$dbFields = array_diff($dbFields,$ditto->prefetch["fields"]["db"]);			// calculate the difference between the database fields and those already prefetched		$dbFields[] = "id";			// append id to the db fields array		$TVs = array_diff($TVs,$ditto->prefetch["fields"]["tv"]);			// calculate the difference between the tv fields and those already prefetched		$start = 0;		$stop = min($display,count($documentIDs));	} else {		$queryLimit = ($queryLimit == 0) ? "" : $queryLimit;	}	$resource = $ditto->getDocuments($documentIDs, $dbFields, $TVs, $keywords, $showPublishedOnly, 0, $where, $queryLimit, $sortBy, $sortDir,$randomize);		// retrieves documents	$output = $header;		// initialize the output variable and send the header	if ($resource) {		if ($randomize != "0" && $randomize != "1") {			$resource = $ditto->weightedRandom($resource,$randomize,$stop);				// randomize the documents		}				$resource = array_values($resource);		for ($x=$start;$x<$stop;$x++) {			$template = $ditto->template->determine($templates,$x,0,$stop,$resource[$x]["id"]);				// choose the template to use and set the code of that template to the template variable			$renderedOutput = $ditto->render($resource[$x], $template, $removeChunk, $dateSource, $dateFormat, $placeholders,$phx);				// render the output using the correct template, in the correct format and language			$modx->setPlaceholder($dittoID."item[".abs($start-$x)."]",$renderedOutput);			/*				Placeholder: item[x]				Content:				Individual items rendered output			*/			$output .= $renderedOutput;				// send the rendered output to the buffer		}	} else {		$output .= $noResults;			// if no documents are found return a no documents found string	}	$output .= $footer;		// send the footer	// ---------------------------------------------------	// Save Object	// ---------------------------------------------------	if($save) {		$modx->setPlaceholder($dittoID."ditto_object", $ditto);		$modx->setPlaceholder($dittoID."ditto_resource", ($save == "1") ? array_slice($resource,$display) : $resource);	}} else {	$output = $header.$noResults.$footer;}// ---------------------------------------------------// Handle Debugging// ---------------------------------------------------if ($debug == 1) {	$ditto_params = func_get_args();	if (!isset($_GET["ditto_".$dittoID."debug"])) {	$_SESSION["ditto_debug_$dittoID"] = $ditto->debug->render_popup($ditto, $ditto_base, $ditto_version, $ditto_params[1], $documentIDs, array("db"=>$dbFields,"tv"=>$TVs), $display, $templates, $sortBy, $sortDir, $start, $stop, $total,$filter,$resource);	}	if (isset($_GET["ditto_".$dittoID."debug"])) {		switch ($_GET["ditto_".$dittoID."debug"]) {			case "open" :				exit($_SESSION["ditto_debug_$dittoID"]);			break;			case "save" :				$ditto->debug->save($_SESSION["ditto_debug_$dittoID"],"ditto".strtolower($ditto_version)."_debug_doc".$modx->documentIdentifier.".html");			break;		}	} else {		$output = $ditto->debug->render_link($dittoID,$ditto_base).$output;	}}return ($save != 3) ? $output : "";?>

Что где, убрать или дописать?

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Вот у вас вызовы сниппета Ditto в шаблоне

[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list`!]

добавьте в вызовы параметр filter, чтобы было так:

[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list` &filter=`id,n,2`!]

где n в параметре &filter=`id,n,2` это id вашего товара. id пишется в скобках после названия ресурса в дереве ресурсов.

А вообще там есть решение еще проще. Есть параметр showInMenuOnly который говорит показывать только элементы видимые в меню. Но по умолчанию этот режим выключен .

Так что можно вместо фильтра добавить его :

[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list` &showInMenuOnly=`1`!]

И на всех товарах которые должны отображаться в каталоге ставить галку "показывать  в меню"

Edited by wwt
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Заменил в шаблоне

[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list`!]


[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list` &showInMenuOnly=`1`!]


галочку показывать в меню убрал...а оно дальше его отображает...

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Заменил в шаблоне

[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list`!]


[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list` &showInMenuOnly=`1`!]


галочку показывать в меню убрал...а оно дальше его отображает...

Попробуйте обновить кэш. Плюс у вас в шаблоне не один вызов Ditto, а несколько. Так что добавить этот параметр нужно во всех вызовах.

а если таких товаров несколько...то как быть?

С showInMenuOnly достаточно будет просто снимать галочку "показывать в меню" с товара.

Edited by wwt
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было 2 параметра дитто...оба установил как говорили..кеш отчистил...все равно товар отображаеться (галка тоже снята)

может этот параметр у меня не приписан в системе showInMenuOnly ?

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$showInMenuOnly = isset($showInMenuOnly) ? $showInMenuOnly : 0;/*	Param: showInMenuOnly	Purpose:	Show only documents visible in the menu	Options:	0 - show all documents	1 - show only documents with the show in menu flag checked		Default:	0 - show all documents		Related:	- <seeThruUnpub>	- <hideFolders>	- <where>*/

Всё есть.


Проблема где-то в другом месте.

Может баг в самом Ditto попробуйте сделать вот так:

[!Ditto? &display=`all` &hiddenFields=`item-img` &sortBy=`menuindex` &sortDir=`ASC` &tpl=`catalogue-list` &filter=`hidemenu,0,2`!]
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так тоже не идет....менял даже 0 в в шем посте на id документа который не хочу видить...все равно он виден....

все разобрался...не тот шаблон редактировал.....простите за отнятое время, и спасибо за помощь!!!!

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так тоже не идет....менял даже 0 в в шем посте на id документа который не хочу видить...все равно он виден....

все разобрался...не тот шаблон редактировал.....простите за отнятое время, и спасибо за помощь!!!!

В последнем примере ничего менять не нужно, там должен быть именно 0. Там фильтрация стоит по полю hidemenu а у него может быть только два значения 0 или 1 (не стоит галочка и стоит галочка).

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