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В sublime text можно выбрать для кнопки tab, tab size или spaces. Я так понимаю если выбрать 2 знака, то для tab size, это все равно будет как один, а для space, как 2. То есть во втором случае документ будет весить больше? Если да то почему в уроках Lynda.com используется space?

И второй вопрос, смотрю Lynda.com, неужели вот так надо код писать?



<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Cycle Tracks Trail Guide</title><!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script><![endif]--></head><body><header>  <h1>Cycle Tracks</h1>  <p>your complete biking trail source</p>  <nav>    <ul>      <li><a href="blog.htm" title="Read our blog!">trail blog</a></li>      <li><a href="trails.htm" title="Trail reviews" class="current">trail reviews</a></li>      <li><a href="news.htm" title="Trail news">trail news</a></li>      <li><a href="resources.htm" title="Trail resources">resources</a></li>      <li><a href="tours.htm" title="Biking Tours">biking tours</a></li>    </ul>  </nav></header><main>  <header>    <h2>Trail Reviews</h2>    <p><a href="all_trails.htm">All Trails</a> > <a href="#">Ojai</a></p>    <p>Ojai Trails</p>  </header>  <article>    <header>      <h3>Northridge Loop</h3>      <p>posted on January 17th, 2014</p>    </header>    <h4>Skill level</h4>    <h4>Surface</h4>    <h4>Notable features</h4>    <h4>Final thoughts</h4>    <footer>      <p>About the author:</p>      <p> Daniel Weston lives in Oxnard, California with his wife, young daughter, and various house plants. He writes about mountain biking, web design, and the outdoors. Contact him at <a href="mailto:danw@cycletracks.org" title="email Dan!">danw@cycletracks.org</a> </p>    </footer>    <section>      <header>        <h3>Comments</h3>        <p>To leave a comment you must <a href="join.htm" title="Join our crew">register</a> or <a href="login.htm" title="sign in">sign in</a>.</p>      </header>      <article>        <h4>Max Smith wrote this on August 7th, 2014 at 12:52</h4>        <p>Great review! I had a blast on the West side of the loop last week. I found a hidden gem in the old orchard field past the “Lazy S” spur. If you keep going past the trail marker, you’ll find a fantastic run through a dried up gulley-wash. Just stay clear of it on rainy days.</p>      </article>    </section>  </article></main><section>  <h2>Rider Reviews</h2>  <article>    <header>      <h3>Los Robles Trail</h3>      <p>by Danny Keys</p>      <p>submitted on 06/26/14</p>    </header>    <p>My buddies and I had heard about this trail in November from a friend who had finished the West portion earlier in the month. It sounded like a good trail, but we didn't have time to check it out until last week.</p>  </article>  <aside>    <h3>Ojai Trail Facts</h3>    <p>Ojai has over 200 miles of hiking and biking trails, with over 80 miles dedicated solely to mountain biking! Most trails border working farms or ranches, so please take the time to learn your route before going, and pay careful attention to trail markers. Ojai trails are mostly self maintained, so if you see a problem, try to fix it! If the problem is a large one, contact one of the local cycling clubs to let them know,each month they have a trail-repair day that is spent maintaining the trails you know and love!</p>  </aside>  <article>    <header>      <h3>Copper Canyon Loop</h3>      <p>by Shea Hansen </p>      <p>submitted on 04/30/14</p>    </header>    <p>I’m going to be the first to admit, I don’t like technical climbs, and I don’t consider myself a good climber. That’s why, when my friend Heather asked me to go with her to the Copper Canyon Loop, or the “Coop” as it’s called, I hesitated. I’ve heard horror stories about the boulder climbs, poorly marked trails, and lack of trail upkeep. </p>  </article></section><aside>  <h3>Need a rental?</h3></aside><footer>  <p><a href="#mainHeader">return to top</a></p>  <p><a href="tel://866-555-4310" title="give us a call">T: 866.555.4310</a></p>  <p><a href="mailto:info@cycletracks.org" title="drop us a line">info@cycletracks.org</a></p>  <p>all content ©copyright 2014 Cycle Tracks  | please read our <a href="#">terms of use</a></p>  <p>Cycle Tracks</p>  <p>5605 Nota Street<br>    Ventura, CA 93003</p>  <p>866.555.4310<br>    866.555.4315 (daily trail conditions)</p></footer></body></html>


Разве это не лишний код? (читал что не надо зря слишком много ставить тегов)

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если выбрать 2 знака, то для tab size, это все равно будет как один, а для space, как 2. То есть во втором случае документ будет весить больше? Если да то почему в уроках Lynda.com используется space

Лишний пробел погоды не сделает. Мы не в 1991-ом году живём, когда каждый байт на счету в интернете.


Что лучше: таб или пробел? Сколько людей, столько и мнений.



Разве это не лишний код? (читал что не надо зря слишком много ставить тегов)

Что конкретно не нравится? Вроде всё норм и по делу.

Edited by antonKar
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