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Неправильное отображение сайта в разных браузерах.

Mihail Dobkin


Продублирую свою проблему тут. Хочется разобраться.

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<p class="text" align="left">
<img src="images/41.jpg" align="left" border="0" alt="" width="347" height="21" />

 iTillery Solutions empowers you with the IT Artillery you need to combat security threats,

mitigate security risks, ensure business continuity, enforce corporate acceptable use polices,

clamp down on non-business related use of resources and address regulatory compliance.

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 iTillery solutions provides tailored security solutions, designed to meet your intivedual business needs. iTillery Solu-

tions uses only the most innovative and trusted technologies, and provides you with complete end-to-end solutions that
are proven, practical and price competitive.

 iTillery Solutions has partnered with some of the world's most innovative and trusted security vendors, giving you

access to security services across all realms; the desktop, the perimeter and network. iTillery Solutions gives you

access to the same levels of technology and service assurance traditionally only available to the larger enterprise and

government bodies. iTillery Solutions also provides you with comprehensive Servise Level Agreements to give you the
reassurance you need to help you sleep easy.

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Есть два выхода:

1. Использовать таблицы, а дивы только когда совсем прижало

2. Изучать дивы от и до, разбираться методом проб и ошибок с позиционированием и тестировать в разных браузерах во время разработки, а не после...

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