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  1. мне в руки от предыдущего разработчика попался код, которые забирает JSONP данные для построения списка на jquery UI autocomplete, выводит его и при выборе помещает результат в поле формы используется для ввода города в корзине https://www.resursmed.ru/cart запрос данных такого типа https://api.cdek.ru/city/getListByTerm/jsonp.php?q=нижний мне непонятны некоторые вещи: зачем выполняется перебор массива в success и select? и, можно ли сделать выбор первого значения списка при потере фокуса автозаполнялки, если в ней не ткнули в значение? change и blur в конце (на событие select) сделаны видимо чтобы запустить дальнейшую обработку onblur=javascript:Onepage.op_runSS(this); var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); $j("#city_field").autocomplete({ noSuggestionNotice: "Населённые пункты не найдены", autoSelectFirst: true, autoFocus: true, minLength: 2, source: function (request, response) { $j.ajax({ url: "https://api.cdek.ru/city/getListByTerm/jsonp.php", dataType: "jsonp", data: { q: function () { return $j("#city_field").val() } }, success: function (data) { response($j.map(data.geonames, function (item) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data.geonames).forEach(function (val, idx, array) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data.geonames[val]).forEach(function (val2, idx2, array2) { }); }); try { if (item.postCodeArray[0] !== 0 && item.postCodeArray[0] !== 'undefined' && item.postCodeArray[0] !== null) { found_zip = item.postCodeArray[0]; zip_array[zip_line] = []; zip_array[zip_line][0] = zip_line; zip_array[zip_line][1] = item.id; zip_array[zip_line][2] = item.postCodeArray[0]; zip_line++; } } catch (err) { // обработка ошибки } return { label: item.name, value: item.name, id: item.id } })); } }); }, select: function (event, ui) { $j('#receiverCityId').val(ui.item.id); //пробегаемся по массиву, чтобы вывести индекс в поле for (var i = 0; i < zip_array.length; i++) { if (ui.item.id == zip_array[i][1]) { $j("#customer_note_field").empty(); $j('#address_2_field').val(zip_array[i][1]).focus().change().blur(); $j('#zip_field').val(zip_array[i][2]).focus().change().blur(); } } } });
  2. В компанию ВВЛ Корп. (Wiley) приглашается UI Developer. Место работы - г. Нижний Новгород. З/п до 100 т.р. gross, обсуждается. E-mail: itincorp@gmail.com Тел.: +7 916 072 29 58 Крылова Валерия Position Summary You will be responsible for developing high-fidelity prototypes from wireframes, while coding high quality, compliant, user-friendly, and performance tuned interfaces. In this role, you will be expected to provide architectural and strategic user interface solutions. You will work within the User Interface Development team, often working independently, but always as part of a multifunctional project team including application developers, architects and user experience analysts. Your skillset and strong communication skills will enable you to convey development solutions to both your UI colleagues and business stakeholders equally. Where necessary you will be required to share knowledge with colleagues either through formal coaching or through collaborative programming. Essential Accountabilities • Be responsible for the development of user interfaces for new functional components; • Participate in the continual assessment and improvement of existing user interfaces; • Oversee development of interface code that meets accessibility and usability design best practices; • Keep abreast of industry trends; • Exposure to user experience analysis. Requirements Technical Knowledge • Expert in (X)HTML, CSS, Velocity, Freemarker, Javascript; • Standards-compliance enthusiast; • Accessibility and usability centered; • Comprehensive knowledge of cross-browser compatibility issues; • Knowledge of advanced client-side techniques including optimization, object-oriented javascript and automated testing; • Experience developing with an Agile approach. Desirable: • Exposure to microformats; • XML, XSLT2; • Java Spring. Management and Leadership • Intermediate/Upper Intermediate in English; • Critical thinking and analysis; • Good organizational skills. Educational Requirements • BS in Computer science or related field. Prior Experience • Experience developing a high-transaction website. Corporate benefits • Opportunities for professional and career growth; • Compliance with Russian labor Law; • Additional medical insurance; • Sports activities and corporate events; • Technical and business related trainings; • Friendly atmosphere; • English classes; • Salary will be discussed individually with the successful candidate. Office location: Nizhniy Novgorod.
  3. В компанию Wiley (www.wiley.ru) приглашается UI developer (Нижний Новгород). З/п 75 - 100 т.р. gross, конкретный уровень обсуждается на собеседовании. Резюме и вопросы на почту - itincorp@gmail.com , +7 (916) 0722958, Крылова Валерия Position Summary You will be responsible for developing high-fidelity prototypes from wireframes, while coding high quality, compliant, user-friendly, and performance tuned interfaces. In this role, you will be expected to provide architectural and strategic user interface solutions. You will work within the User Interface Development team, often working independently, but always as part of a multifunctional project team including application developers, architects and user experience analysts. Your skillset and strong communication skills will enable you to convey development solutions to both your UI colleagues and business stakeholders equally. Where necessary you will be required to share knowledge with colleagues either through formal coaching or through collaborative programming. Essential Accountabilities • Be responsible for the development of user interfaces for new functional components; • Participate in the continual assessment and improvement of existing user interfaces; • Oversee development of interface code that meets accessibility and usability design best practices; • Keep abreast of industry trends; • Exposure to user experience analysis. Requirements Technical Knowledge • Expert in (X)HTML, CSS, Velocity, Freemarker, Javascript; • Standards-compliance enthusiast; • Accessibility and usability centered; • Comprehensive knowledge of cross-browser compatibility issues; • Knowledge of advanced client-side techniques including optimization, object-oriented javascript and automated testing; • Experience developing with an Agile approach. Desirable: • Exposure to microformats; • XML, XSLT2; • Java Spring. Management and Leadership • Intermediate/Upper Intermediate in English; • Critical thinking and analysis; • Good organizational skills. Educational Requirements • BS in Computer science or related field. Prior Experience • Experience developing a high-transaction website. Corporate benefits • Opportunities for professional and career growth; • Compliance with Russian labor Law; • Additional medical insurance; • Sports activities and corporate events; • Technical and business related trainings; • Friendly atmosphere; • English classes; • Salary will be discussed individually with the successful candidate. Office location: Nizhniy Novgorod.
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