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jquery file upload



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понадобилось поставить обычный загрузчик файлов

решил попробовать поставить jQuery-File-Upload, скачав закинув файлы на сайт работающий на iis, возникла проблема

файлы грузятся, выдается список загруженного, но после закрытия браузера и и вновь его открытия - файлы там так и висят , а список должен быть пустым , новая сессия всёже как.

Но странно то что у меня всё норм, новый лист при каждом заходе на сайт, а человек кому я это сделал уверяет в обратном. сказав что проверял на нескольких компах

как сделать 100% новую сессию даже после закрытия окна?


В файле UploadHandler.php имеются некоторые настройки, в англ я не силен поэтому мог что либо пропустить

я менял только значение 'user_dirs'

function __construct($options = null, $initialize = true, $error_messages = null) {        $this->response = array();        $this->options = array(            'script_url' => $this->get_full_url().'/',            'upload_dir' => dirname($this->get_server_var('SCRIPT_FILENAME')).'/files/',            'upload_url' => $this->get_full_url().'/files/',            'user_dirs' => true,            'mkdir_mode' => 0755,            'param_name' => 'files',            // Set the following option to 'POST', if your server does not support            // DELETE requests. This is a parameter sent to the client:            'delete_type' => 'DELETE',            'access_control_allow_origin' => '*',            'access_control_allow_credentials' => false,            'access_control_allow_methods' => array(                'OPTIONS',                'HEAD',                'GET',                'POST',                'PUT',                'PATCH',                'DELETE'            ),            'access_control_allow_headers' => array(                'Content-Type',                'Content-Range',                'Content-Disposition'            ),            // Enable to provide file downloads via GET requests to the PHP script:            //     1. Set to 1 to download files via readfile method through PHP            //     2. Set to 2 to send a X-Sendfile header for lighttpd/Apache            //     3. Set to 3 to send a X-Accel-Redirect header for nginx            // If set to 2 or 3, adjust the upload_url option to the base path of            // the redirect parameter, e.g. '/files/'.            'download_via_php' => false,            // Read files in chunks to avoid memory limits when download_via_php            // is enabled, set to 0 to disable chunked reading of files:            'readfile_chunk_size' => 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10 MiB            // Defines which files can be displayed inline when downloaded:            'inline_file_types' => '/\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i',            // Defines which files (based on their names) are accepted for upload:            'accept_file_types' => '/.+$/i',            // The php.ini settings upload_max_filesize and post_max_size            // take precedence over the following max_file_size setting:            'max_file_size' => null,            'min_file_size' => 1,            // The maximum number of files for the upload directory:            'max_number_of_files' => null,            // Defines which files are handled as image files:            'image_file_types' => '/\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i',            // Use exif_imagetype on all files to correct file extensions:            'correct_image_extensions' => false,            // Image resolution restrictions:            'max_width' => null,            'max_height' => null,            'min_width' => 1,            'min_height' => 1,            // Set the following option to false to enable resumable uploads:            'discard_aborted_uploads' => true,            // Set to 0 to use the GD library to scale and orient images,            // set to 1 to use imagick (if installed, falls back to GD),            // set to 2 to use the ImageMagick convert binary directly:            'image_library' => 1,            // Uncomment the following to define an array of resource limits            // for imagick:            /*            'imagick_resource_limits' => array(                imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP => 32,                imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY => 32            ),            */            // Command or path for to the ImageMagick convert binary:            'convert_bin' => 'convert',            // Uncomment the following to add parameters in front of each            // ImageMagick convert call (the limit constraints seem only            // to have an effect if put in front):            /*            'convert_params' => '-limit memory 32MiB -limit map 32MiB',            */            // Command or path for to the ImageMagick identify binary:            'identify_bin' => 'identify',            'image_versions' => array(                // The empty image version key defines options for the original image:                '' => array(                    // Automatically rotate images based on EXIF meta data:                    'auto_orient' => true                ),                // Uncomment the following to create medium sized images:                /*                'medium' => array(                    'max_width' => 800,                    'max_height' => 600                ),                */                'thumbnail' => array(                    // Uncomment the following to use a defined directory for the thumbnails                    // instead of a subdirectory based on the version identifier.                    // Make sure that this directory doesn't allow execution of files if you                    // don't pose any restrictions on the type of uploaded files, e.g. by                    // copying the .htaccess file from the files directory for Apache:                    //'upload_dir' => dirname($this->get_server_var('SCRIPT_FILENAME')).'/thumb/',                    //'upload_url' => $this->get_full_url().'/thumb/',                    // Uncomment the following to force the max                    // dimensions and e.g. create square thumbnails:                    //'crop' => true,                    'max_width' => 80,                    'max_height' => 80                )            ),            'print_response' => true        );        if ($options) {            $this->options = $options + $this->options;        }        if ($error_messages) {            $this->error_messages = $error_messages + $this->error_messages;        }        if ($initialize) {            $this->initialize();        }    } 
Edited by radioactive68
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